Least and Most Compatable

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Each sign has this this thing called a polarity. Polarities are the literal opposite, and you'll notice there's a pattern that goes to them. In fact, the Zodiac pretty much is one big Pattern, and once you can figure them out, you've pretty much got the basics down. Have you ever heard the phrase "Opposites attract"? In many cases, this is true. Polarities are like magnets, and any type relationship between them can go either way. Here are the polarities:

Aries - Libra

Taurus - Scorpio

Gemini - Sagittarius

Cancer - Capricorn

Leo - Aquarius

Virgo - Pisces

Libra - Aries

Scorpio - Taurus

Sagittarius - Gemini

Capricorn - Cancer

Aquarius - Leo

Pisces - Virgo

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