Keep Being, Stop.

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Keep Being: Exciting, spontaneous, fun and playful, unpredictable, exhilarating, energizing to be around.
Stop: Getting frustrated when we can't keep up


Keep Being: A dependable and warm friend, a thoughtful lover, an endearing comic, mischevous and child like.
Stop: Shutting yourself from us when emotions start to build up


Keep Being: Clever and sassy, comedic and witty, interesting and educational.
Stop: Assuming we are too dumb to keep up with you


Keep Being: Kind, warm, and soothing, transporting and wise, motherly and kind.

Stop: Taking your moods out on the people you love most


Keep Being: Exuberant and fascinating, creative and fun, loving, playful, funny and big hearted.
Stop: Thinking you're on a solo mission in the world-- work with us


Keep Being: Helpful and sympathetic, clever and educational, quick witted and intriguing.
Stop: Locking us away when you think we don't understand


Keep Being: Amiable and warm, friendly and comforting, understanding and nonjudgmental, loveable.
Stop: Thinking you're less than us


lKeep Being: Interesting and wonderful, seductive and knowledgeable, wise and soothing, evocative.
Stop: Thinking we have ulterior motives


Keep Being: Active and exciting, spontaneous and unpredictable, funny and educational, free spirited.
Stop: Judging our beliefs because you haven't experienced it


Keep Being: Brave and strong, inspirational, good willed, dependable and resilient.
Stop: Assuming we can't help you


Keep Being: unpredictable and exciting, eccentric and intelligent, shocking and fun, playful and free.
Stop: Assuming we haven't put thought into our opinions


Keep Being: Cordial and good natured, different and soothing, creative and mystical, transporting and loving.

Stop: Shutting us off and escaping when it gets to be too much for you

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