Shadow Twins

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Aries/Libra ♈♎
Lonliness- Selfishness vs. Codependence

Because nobody cares for you, you must care for yourself above all else.

Because you can't care for yourself, you need someone to remind you that you're alive.

Taurus/Scorpio ♉♏
Depression- Apathy vs. Despair

The depth of your sorrow renders you cold, complacent, and numb.

The depth of your sorrow makes you burn with agonizing despair.

Gemini/Sagittarius ♊♐
Boredom- Chasing vs. Fleeing

You run after anything that brings you excitement in this dull, grey world.

You run away from tbe burdens that drain the joy and colour from your life.

Cancer/Capricorn ♋♑
Insecurity- Self Defeat vs. Contempt

You're afraid to try. You make excuses and keep yourself down.

You're afraid you aren't good enough. You bring others down to compensate.

Leo/Aquarius ♌♒
Arrogance- Narcissism vs. Hubris

You're in love with yourself. Everyone should love you, too.

You're in love with your own vision. Everyone should follow your example.

Virgo/Pisces ♍♓
Fear- Anxiety vs. Disassociation

You fidget, obsess, and worry, worry, worry about what tomorrow brings.

You escape, detatch, and tell yourself nothing matters anyway.

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