How to Tell if the Sign Likes You

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How to Tell if the Sign Likes You

-shy but extremely excited
-talks to you 26/7
-isn't as stubborn with you
-lame pickup lines and random compliments
-wants to do things and go places with you

-shy aF
-lots of eye contact
-laughs at your jokes
-more touchy with you
-shares EVERYTHING with you

-will talk to you like a.l.w.a.y.s
-and if not TO you then ABOUT you
-becomes more touchy
-makes fun of you, but in a good way
-always joking around and trying to mam you laugh

-asks you for advice and help (because they trust you that much)
-shy flirter
-always makes sure you're happy and nothing's bothering you
-isn't afraid to talk about their emotions to you
-caring mom

-acts like you're their best friend
-wants you to pay attention to them 24/7
-caring and loving even at their worst
-buys you cute gifts
-always wants to look good around you (tells you what they accomplished n stuff)

-always willing to help you with ANYTHING
-moves out of their comfort zone just to spend time with you
-more goofy and talkative with you
-will do cute little things to show they like you

-flirty and romantic, but not too much
-always seems happy around you
-wants to take you everywhere with them
-often reminds you of how amazing you are

-talks with you about deep stuff
-shy as hECK
-much more talkative around you than usually
-maybe the strongest flirting out of the signs
-on and off towards you

-wants to do everything (WINK) with you
-random (but really nice) compliments
-bullies you one minute, cuddles you the next
-pays more attention to you than others (in public for example)
-honestly you'll most likely know because they don't try to hide it

-lets you into their world (more open minded about their emotions)
-more goofy, excited, and talkative around you.
-romantic (!)
-talks to you about your passions
-shares their favourite music with you

-talks about you with literally EVERYONE except you
-talks to you a lot and pays attention to you
-lip flirting (smiling, biting their lips, etc...)
-isn't afraid to talk about deep stuff with you

-stares at you a lot and can also be touchy
-wants to know everything about you
-shy shy shy
-always super protective
-wants to help you with whatever you're doing

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