Russia X China Muwhahahaah

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(This was literally in the comment section XD*)

China was complaining to England about Hong Kong, when he heard someone call his name and told him to get his ass over there somewhere whwrwrvwrr. China sighed and walked over to another room where otakuicespirit was and Spain....? "So you like Donald Trump?!?!?!?!?" otakuicespirit piped up,"What in hell? Who gave you this idea?!" Spain and otakuicespirit point to Me. China rolls his eyes and throws me out the window. "So ya leik Russia?"(insert Lenny face) otakuicespirit smirked,"AIYA, NAO!!" otakuicespirit frowned,"Not even a little..." China shook his head furiously, otakuicespirit sighed," okay then...." China sighed,"So um....-" I jump through the window and saw Prussia's and Greece's asses off.

"Russia's going to get mad~" Spain whispered,"What...Naw he Luvs Donald Trump :3" "wait...Russia's like Prussia? But i thought that he beat Prussia and made him do chores,Aru.." otakuicespirit laughed a little," that was in the past, their in the same bed now." China looked disgusted," So.....they...did...." otakuicespirit commented,"Maybe, what do you think..." China looked disgusted as ever,"Gross!!" otakuicespirit looked puzzled,"What. Why?" "It's gross,Aru!" China replied in complete disgust. otakuicespirit smirked,"You wish you could join-" otakuicespirit quickly slapped a hand over their mouth. China's anger was boiling,"NO ARU!!" "Or do you want Me instead..m" Spain piped up,"NO. NO. NO.*starts to break things*" "I HATE MY LIFE SOMETIMES ARU!!!" China shouted throwing broken glass shards. "I'm sure Ivan will be glad to fuck away The pain~" otakuicespirit giggled. China's eye twitched,"THAT IS IT ARU!!!" China pulled out a box of matches and lit the room on fire, then moved to all the others. A few moments later, the house looked as if England had cooked dinner. "I don't want sunflower getting hurt, come over here China,Da?" "NAO SUCK BALL!!!" China shouted smashing more things,"Hah!! You wish, now obey your lover and go over there!"otakuicespirit piped up, china opened his mouth to refuse but gave up,"that it, I give up Aru===" China walked over to Russia, standing 5 ft away and holding his wok ready,"What's wrong?" Russia asked the redyed China,"You,Aru!" China shouted, Russia looked hurt,"W-what?y..." "You so scary,Aru!" China shouted."O-okay..." Russia whispered looking hurt and away. China felt guilty and reluctantly walked over to Russia and hugged him, which surprised him,"Am...sorry....Aru..." China muttered. "No...don't be....ita my fault....Da... You all hate me..." China seemed surprised,"I don't hate just so damn scary!!" "N-no your lying.... You all hate me..." Russia was trying not to cry, China hugged him more tightly,"Aiya, maybe other people hate you, but I don't, you just so tall and scary!" Russia looked shocked,"R-really?" China nodded burying his head deep into Russia's chest,"I didn't know you were only scared of me..." Russia smiled, wrapping his arms around China finally.


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