1) The One

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      In Ancient Egypt, when the pyramids were still young and strong. Powerful Pharaohs ruled the land of Egypt. With a great mystical power, they had kept the land safe from dangers such as war and famine. The throne of Pharaoh ran through a powerful bloodline that could be traced back to the beginning of time. Only the first born male of this bloodline could become Pharaoh and inherit this mysterious power. Power that could destroy the entire world if it were to befall the wrong hands. Setka, the present Pharaoh, ruled the land with love and promise. He was declared one of The Greats, like many of his ancestors before him. His wife, Iseret, was of golden skin and deep brown eyes. They ruled together strongly and were beloved by the people.

"Setka, darling, your Father is worried I will not bare an heir..." Iseret explained to her husband, as they walked into their bedroom chambers.
The bedroom was filled with light bouncing off the golden walls. Etched by ancient carvings and scriptures.
The bed was large, plumped with feathers and silk wrappings, but what do you expect for the most two important people in all of Egypt?
Setka removed his golden jewelry as Iseret wiped away the eyeliner underlining her big eyes.
"My love, let not my Father bombard you with such haste. I know, that you will bare me a son who will take the throne after me. I will not rush into such things that you, and only you alone...are not prepared for." Setka stated with his deep and moving voice, wrapping his hands around her waist.
Though Setka was powerful, he was always kind and loving to his wife.
His voice was always reassuring and gentle.
As they stepped out their day clothes and into their night clothes, Iseret laid close upon her husband.

"Are you sure?" He asked stroking her arm.

With a smile she nodded, "Whom else would I lie with other than you, my love?"


"Yes...a bit higher now." Setka motioned, telling the architect.
The architect designed a statue head of the Pharaoh and he had drawn him a sample.
"Of course, your excellency." The architect pressed, as he drew his staff a bit higher above Setka's shoulder.
"Ah. Perfect." Setka assured happily, as he rubbed his chin.
"You are very talented."
The architect blushed with embarrassment
"Oh, your majesty, it was really nothing-"
Though, the architect was interrupted by the sounds of galloping hooves against the ground.
Th two men turned to see a palace guard riding frantically toward them.
"Your excellency! Queen Iseret!" The guard said out of breath.
"Speak Neith! What has happened?" Setka asked, alarmed as he stood to meet him
"She is baring your child sir! Come! Quickly!"
Setka quickly got on his horse
"I apologize, I must go now." Setka sympathized to the architect below him.
"No need your highness! Congratulations!"
Setka nodded respectively to the man and rode off with Neith not far behind.
"This is great! I am having a child Neith!" Setka joyfully shouted to the servant behind him as he rode to the palace.
"Yes you are! Congratulations your majesty!" Neith yelled against the wind.

"Setka..." Iseret weakly called as she saw him enter the bedroom chamber.
Setka removed his white headdress as he saw the baby crying in her arms.
The baby's brown skin glistened as he stretched and cried, reaching for his mother's embrace.
"Iseret..." He called, as he walked to her side, Caressing her sweaty face.
She smiled and offered the crying baby to him.
"You have a son..."
Setka stared upon his son lovingly.
The baby's eyes glowed of deep wine and shined brightly, showing great courage and strength.
"What shall he be called?" Setka asked his wife who stared at the two, smiling.
Setka raised his eyebrow at her decision.
"Huey? That is a unique name Iseret. From where did you hear of it?"
Iseret smiled, "It comes from beyond our waters...meaning intelligence...in mind and spirit."
Setka nods
"Then it shall be."
He looked into his son's eyes and felt great power emanate from him.
"You will be a great Pharaoh my son. For I foresee it."
The baby smiled unto his father.
"Your greatness, the people are waiting..." Neith stated, bowing before him.
Setka looked at Iseret who nodded her head in approval.
Setka then took a cloth and wrapped his crying son.
Then, he walked to a concrete balcony which looked over all the land of Egypt. As the people saw their Pharaoh, they cheered greatly.

Pharaoh (A Boondocks Story) ON HOLDWhere stories live. Discover now