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There he was...hovering above him to a height that envies minimum of 15 feet. The legs were long and slender, that which seemed to be of human flesh, which was tanned like most of his people in Egypt. The head of the god was thunderously gold, with a hint of charcoal engulfing the surfaces. The crown laid on the jackal head as rubies and jewels colored every spot. Underneath his eyes were of course the signature artistry of gold eye pencil. followed by snarling teeth as he held balances in his hands.

 followed by snarling teeth as he held balances in his hands

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Huey's lips quivered a bit. For the first time in a long time, he was afraid. The surroundings began to morph. Slapping the walls and floors with complete darkness and the air swallowed by grey mists. He wasn't in a cave anymore. Huey looked up to the threatening god who still held the ginormous balances in his hand. The snarls of a dangerous wolf pierced Huey's ears. As if it was ready to attack.

"What is you business here? Why do you summon me, commoner?" Anubis shook, making Huey get on his knees.

"Please! I only call you to ask a favor!"

Anubis got in one knee and lowered his head slowly close to Huey. Examining him.

"And...why should I do such a thing for a peasant?!" Anubis hollered blowing hot wind across his Afro.

Huey held out his hands, "I am no peasant! I am the Prince of Egypt!" Huey pleaded, with wide eyes.

Anubis's growl solidified, causing him to stand up once more. He seemed less menacing, which encouraged Huey to rise.

"Hm...son of Sidka, The Great." Anubis growled.

Huey nodded.

"You are not yet King. I can sense when the bridge is connected. It has not been connected since the death of your father." Anubis said, in yet again a more welcoming tone. Huey Closed his eyes at the thought of his father's death. He really was gone. Somehow he had hoped that he and his mother were still alive somewhere, that Atka had them hidden in a far away place. Huey lifted his head to meet Anubis.

"Yes...a traitor had taken the throne after my father and he has destroyed almost all of Egypt." Huey responded.

Suddenly, Anubis began to shrink. His size was decreasing. Huey watched in awe as he saw the great god lower from 15 feet to 8...then finally to about 6 feet to meet Huey face to face.

"Do not think of me as an enemy. Think of me as a friend. I am not here to hurt you. So get that stare of fear out of your eyes." Anubis said, still holding a balance in his hand and a golden key.

Huey nodded and took a deep breath then rested his eyes to Anubis who's dark appearance seemed to almost be glowing, and welcoming. Huey smirked

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