10) I Am A King

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Jazmine laid on the floor, her arms and legs spread about.

"Jazmine!!" Nala screeched with tears.

She plopped beside Jazmine, Trying to keep her weak eyes open.

"Atka!" Huey barked drawing the Pharaoh's attention.

Atka turned to see the Prince.

"Ah....Prince. We meet again..." Atka explained getting up from his chair.

Huey scowled intensely, clenching his fists. He felt nothing but rage and adrenaline as he began to move to Pharaoh.

"I will end your life right now!!" Huey boomed

Caesar looked hurriedly to his friend who laid about on the floor,

"Prince...Jazmine." Caesar pleaded, pointing to her.

Huey stopped in his tracks to see Jazmine on the floor. Crying intensely and shaking.

"Yes....yes...run to her." Atka chuckled sinisterly.

Then...suddenly he disappeared

"What kind of magic is this?!" Caesar barked looking around.

There was no sight of him

Huey shook his head "He is gone...he was never any noble. Just a sorcerer. My father was tricked. " Huey finally realized.

Then his attention turned to Jazmine.

"Stay with me Jazmine." Nala whispered. Jazmine nodded furiously, trying to keep her forced gasps to a minimum.

Nala shook at the sight of the knife still plunged in her chest.

"Uh...." Nala cried, suggesting wether or not to take it out

"H-Huey." Jazmine smiled, still hyperventilating.

Staring behind Nala.

"What?" Nala cried, she turned behind her to see Caesar and Huey rush to her aid.

"Caesar!" Nala cried leaping in his arms.

Huey picked up Jazmine's head.

"Jazmine..." He said staring at her weak eyes. Then...he remembered the dream he had earlier. This is just like what happened, he was holding Jazmine this exact way....and she was dying.

Jazmine's dry lips smacked trying to speak
"H-H-Huey." She smiled and laughed at the same time.

Huey smiled weakly, "you called me Huey."

Jazmine laughed a bit while coughing realizing she forgot to call him Prince.

"S-Sorry." She coughed, taking deep breaths

"No...it's okay." He said caressing her face.

Suddenly she coughed up blood.

"Prince Huey! Do something!" Nala pleaded holding onto Caesar.

Huey began to panic

What can he do?

Then it hit him...



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