22) Recollection

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Huey walked the halls awaiting the Queen's decision to come back from his messenger.

What if she says yes?

What will happen if he and Jazmine get caught?

What if she says no...fighting will continue.

"Your majesty!"

Huey swiftly turned his head as he heard the rapid steps of his trusted messenger. His skin glistening with sweat.

"She said yes! Egypt is saved! She released the captives of Alexandria! Queen is arriving late tomorrow!" The messenger released, handing his majesty a scroll. Then running off. Possibly to tell everyone in the palace.

"Damn." Huey whispered to himself.

Egypt is safe from warfare though...... what of his new found relationship with a certain orange haired girl?

As he opened the scroll that the messenger had given him, he thought about Jazmine's reaction as she hears the news.

It made him frown...maybe this is just a fling.

He opened the message:

King Huey,

I hear of your greatness from even beyond my boarders. I must say I am flushed at your success. Everyone knows the tale of Prince Huey. The Lost Prince. The Lost Prince who became the Prophesied King...the King who will bring prosperity to all of Egypt. I would like to be a part of that journey. I accept your marriage proposal. Certainly, our countries will merge. Delivering them into a new era. I will release the prisoners of Alexandria and start my journey to your palace. We will start the ceremony then. I must give you fair warning my King.

I am quite a handful.

Yours Truly,

Queen Lafrati of Lybia.

Huey crumpled the sheet with his big hands. Setting it aflame in one of the nearest torches that sat on one of the walls. The King was aware of Queen Lafrati's strong personality. He was determined that not one woman will push him off his throne. He was going to make the announcement, but first he felt that it was right to tell Jazmine first. Quickly, he rushed to her quarters. As he pushed her pink curtains aside and stepped in he was already met with her puffy face.


"Oh! Your majesty! I heard of your engagement...I'm happy for you! This will bring a lot of glee among the people." She smiled, then instantly frowned. Huey let himself in, holding Jazmine's shoulders.

"Listen to me..." He said gently, Jazmine began to sniffle, avoiding his contact.

"I may be wed tomorrow...but that will not mean that I love her any more than i you." Huey said, carefully paying attention to what he says.

Jazmine looked up to him, "You love me?"

Damn. Not careful.

Huey wasn't sure if he loved Jazmine. He will admit he has an attraction to her

. A great attraction.

Though love?

The thought frightened him a bit.

Perhaps this is what the medium was speaking of?

Opening his heart?

"That is not what I meant-" Huey began.

Pharaoh (A Boondocks Story) ON HOLDWhere stories live. Discover now