Chapter One: The Beginning of War

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'I'm a huntress and I'm the top of my league. I hunt anything supernatural and I don't take kindly to being told by other hunters that I'm bad at this. I am traveling with DeAndre Griffin or well we call him Griffin.'

I crouch on the tree branch as I scan the area, looking for any disturbances and Griffin says "I'm not sensing anything." I say "I'm not either. There must not be anything here." I stand back up, letting my black trench coat flow in the slight breeze there is and I soon jump from tree to tree. Griffin follows me and I soon land on the ground. I sniff the air and I say "there is a presence here." I turn around, looking back into the forest that we're in and there in the shadows of a tree. I see someone standing there with a smirk on their face and Griffin pulls his gun out. I say "don't." He looks at me and asks "why not?" I say "let's figure out his intentions first before we go shooting him all willy nilly." I slowly start walking back into the forest with my hand near my pocket and I stop not far from the man. The man says "ah such a curious little huntress you are my dear." I glare at him and he smirks, revealing that he's a vampire and I say "you must have some sort of intention." He smirks more and I soon feel my back against a tree as I start trying to fight with him, kicking at him. Griffin appears behind the guy and points the gun at the man's head. The man says "oh come now, I wasn't going to hurt her." Griffin says "let her go now." I feel the man let me go and I move over to Griffin as he keeps the gun pointed at the man. The man laughs as he soon says "Dean Ambrose doesn't want to die today. I'll see you again darlin'." He winks at me before he soon disappears and I just stand there feeling slightly pissed at that vampire. I say "let's head back to the base we have." Griffin says "that's a great idea. Are you alright though?" I say "yeah. I'm fine." I lead the way back to base camp and stop when we get there.

I shake my head as I soon climb up into the small tree house I made and lay on my sleeping bag. Griffin always sleeps in a tent and I usually make strange house like things. Soon we will be going our separate ways, but that's alright because we're both the top of our league and I know he can handle himself. It's not even time for bed and Griffin goes into his tent anyways. I sit up as I soon look out at something, seeing a full black dog and it soon looks at me with its red eyes. A hell hound. I get out of my little shelter, running towards the dog as I watch it take off and soon I notice that this one is different. It has to be an Alpha. I keep running after it as I soon stop, panting as I look down and soon I look around. I start to worry because this is nowhere near camp and we've never been to this part of the forest yet. I pull my gun out as I walk around, feeling uneasy about this place and soon I see three smaller hell hounds. I bite my lip as I watch them start to get closer to me and I point the gun towards them as I say "please stay back. I'll shoot...." I don't like how my voice is shaky and soon I bump into someone, causing me to scream. Though right as I scream, a hand covers my mouth and I feel the person near my ear. He says "shhhh you're not in danger yet." I shake as I look at the other three and they change back into their human forms. The man covering my mouth asks "now what is a pretty little thing like you doing out here?" He uncovers my mouth and I soon turn towards him. I say "I am a huntress. I'm out here hunting supernaturals." The man says "ah so that's what you're out here doing. Interesting. Now where are my manners? I am Bray Wyatt. Leader of the Wyatt Family." I swallow hard, but soon he holds out his hand as if he wants me to shake it and I put my hand in his. I blush very deeply when he brings my hand to his lips and kisses it. I whisper "what is it you are going to do to me?" I look at him as I know I can't take on hell hounds like these and Bray says "nothing. If you leave us alone, then we'll leave you alone." I nod as he soon let's go of my hand and I stumble backwards a little.

Before I can even turn to run back to camp, I hear a howl and Bray growls. He says "werewolves." My eyes widen as I look at him and soon I turn to see a pack of werewolves coming towards us. Bray yells "stand your ground!!!" I watch the others as they soon are fighting and so is Bray. I watch them, but soon someone whispers "mmm you smell delicious." I duck when they try to hit me, getting out of the way as I soon start climbing a tree and soon I feel the werewolf grab my leg. I try to get my leg away, but I scream in pain when I feel the claws dig into my leg and I point my gun at the werewolf. I say "die." I pull the trigger and it soon falls to the ground. I keep holding onto the branch, but soon I lose my grip and fall. I scream, but soon I'm caught and I look up at who it is. Griffin. He sits me down as he starts fighting with the werewolves and soon some of the werewolves run off. I sit there leaning against the tree and Griffin asks "Destiny are you alright?" I groan as I say "he got my leg." I show him and he gasps. He says "you need medical attention now." I whimper soon as I feel a burning sensation and Bray soon says "she needs more than human medical attention. That werewolf had poison in its claws." Griffin looks at Bray and I look to him too. Griffin says "well something needs to be done now." Bray comes over to me as he feels my forehead and says "let us take her. My people know how to cure this. She's already running a fever." Griffin looks uneasy, but he soon says "alright. I'm going to hunt those werewolves down." I go to speak, but Griffin is gone and I soon scream a little in pain. Bray says "you're going to be fine. Braun carry her." I feel Braun pick me up and I feel like I'm sweating to death. I soon feel my eyes getting heavy and I pass out.

'I don't want to die and I hope that they do something about this or else I'm going to end up in a grave. I don't want to end up like that. I've already lost everything that I have and I don't want to lose myself.'


A reminder that DeAndre Griffin is Dogman412's character. 


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