Chapter Five: Ritual

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'This mission seems to keep getting delayed and I don't like it, but at the moment I'm injured. I hate it and I'm not looking forward to resting at all. I want to do my mission whether it kills me or not.'

I'm in a huge bedroom and I'm so confused as to who's bedroom it is. I get up off the bed as I stand there, looking around as I soon sigh softly and then I notice people outside. I walk out the door and I watch as Roman talks to his people. Someone asks "why are we being friends with a vampire, hell hound, and a spirit walker?" Roman says "you shouldn't be worrying about who I keep as my friends." I decide to make my way out of the building, heading off to who knows where because I'm not familiar with this place and I sigh again. What am I going to do? I keep walking, but stop when I feel eyes watching me and I turn around. I look at the person staring at me and I ask "what do you want?" The werewolf comes closer to me as he smirks softly and says "hmm good question, but you should already know what I want spirit walker." I back away from him, but soon I back right into someone and I look up at the other werewolf. I say "leave me alone." The werewolf walking towards me says "sorry sweetheart, but we're not going to leave you alone. I, Kyron, am not leaving you alone at all. Now Jezzabelle, take her to our secret spot." My eyes widen as I feel the female start dragging me off and he follows us. I don't like where this is going at all, but soon I see Dean not that far away and I want to scream for him. I don't because he ends up following us anyways and then I notice that he isn't alone.

*Dean's POV*

I can't believe what I'm seeing and Bray whispers "we have to get her away from them because I have a bad feeling that they're going to try and do something." I whisper "I agree. We should keep following them." Bray nods as we follow them quietly, but I know that Destiny saw us because she was going to scream out and then she didn't. I don't like working with a hell hound, but considering we made a promise while Destiny was sleeping to protect her at all costs. We will fulfill that promise and we will keep her safe. We enter the secret area as we stay hidden and we watch to see what they might be planning.

*Back to Destiny's POV*

I get thrown onto the ground and I lay there as I groan out. I soon look up at Kyron and Jezzabelle. Kyron says "perfect. You're still hurt and you won't be able to stop us from doing anything." I glare at him, but soon I start trying to crawl away as I feel the pain and soon I feel someone grab my leg. I look at who it is and Jez growls at me. I swing my other leg around, kicking her right in the face as I soon spin around and get up onto my feet. I stand there with my head down and I clench my fists. Jez growls as she says "she's not weak Kyron. She's really the perfect one for this ritual." I look up at the two of them and then I glare at them. I say "like hell I'm going to be in your ritual." I soon see Dean and Bray come into the clearing. Bray says "she is not yours to take." Dean says "she is under our protection." Kyron growls as he says "ah. So the vampire and hell hound have come to the rescue of the spirit walker. Well you're already too late." Dean and Bray look at each other as they soon look at me. My eyes widen as I look at the ground and then I realize I'm inside of a ritual circle. Jez smirks as she says "open the gates and take the pure one." I feel the ground starting to shake and there is this light as the circle activates. I try to move, but every time I do it just hurts and I soon scream out for someone to hear me. I close my eyes as I try not to cry and then I hear silence. I open my eyes as I look around, pretty much floating in darkness as I hear nothing and then a light appears. I reach out towards it and then I start falling as I call out to the light. I close my eyes again as I fall, hating how the feeling is and then I feel someone grab my hand. I open my eyes as I soon wonder why he would do this and Bray pulls me to him.

Everything comes back and I look at Bray as we stand there really close to each other. I look up at him and he looks at me with those red eyes. I soon realize that Dean and Roman took our Kyron and Jez. I whisper "how did you do that Bray?" Bray says "I could hear your mind reaching out for someone and you were reaching out for my mind for some reason." I keep looking at him as we stay close together and then Dean says "well at least you're alright." Roman says "yes it's a good thing. Thanks to the hell hound here." I look at them and I smile very softly as I soon say "let's all head out now. We have a mission to attend to." Dean says "we do, but you two seem to be very comfortable." I blush as I soon realize that Bray hasn't let go of me and I haven't really let go of him either. I say "oh uh yeah." I move away from him as I look away and soon shake my head. Roman chuckles as he says "let's go." I smile as I follow after him, feeling better as I walk with them and now we're finally getting back on track.

'I don't know why, but my heart was beating very fast because of being close to Bray and I could feel his heart doing the same thing. What does this mean? I don't really know what it means, but it did feel nice for once.'

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