Chapter Seven: Rescue

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'I can't wait to get Griffin out and then rescue some of the others. I also need to figure out these feelings that I'm developing for Bray and I need to figure out what there is for me in this world.'

I lean against the building and Roman says "this is the place. Can you sense anyone?" I close my eyes as I look for life forces and I sense many human life forces. I say "all I sense are human life forces." Roman says "weird." Dean says "that is weird. Normally the only people who catch humans are supernaturals." I say "let's just go. We will do teams or split up." Roman says "I'll take Dean with me. You and Bray can go together." I look at Bray and he gives me a smile. I nod as I lead the way and Bray follows me closely. I look around as I soon pull my gun out and I point the gun in front of me. I keep the gun held tightly as I walk in front of Bray and soon I feel him pull me back to him. I look to him as he soon pushes me behind him and I soon hear him start fighting with someone. I stay back as I watch Bray and soon I feel him pull me with him. I ask "where are we going?" Bray doesn't answer me, but he soon pulls me down a very narrow hallway and I look up at him since my back is against the wall. I go to speak, but Bray covers my mouth with his hand and soon someone goes by where we are hiding. I close my eyes as I try to think and then I open them when Bray uncovers my mouth. Bray says "that was a close one." I look at him and I say "it was, but um we're kind of close." Bray whispers "yes we are." I blush lightly as I keep looking at him and soon I feel him play with a strand of my hair. I blush more as I soon look away from him, biting my lip for a moment and then I hear fighting. I move away from Bray as I soon take off running for the place that I hear the fighting and I stop before I get to the fight. I lean against the wall as I listen to the fighting and soon I hear Griffin shouting. I soon take a deep breath before I close my eyes and search for a mind to control and then I take the mind. Dean. I use his body to fight some of the people that are attacking him, Roman, and Griffin. I keep using Dean as I soon make him protect Griffin and then I notice that the people they are fighting are people from the hunter's academy. I soon go back to my own body as I fall to the floor and soon I hear silence.

*Griffin's POV*

What the hell was that a minute ago? That vampire had protected me and so did the werewolf. I look over to the doorway and there is a hell hound carrying my friend Destiny. I don't know what's going on, but I'm happy that someone has come to rescue me. I just can't believe that the people that hired us really killed the others and that they were going to kill me too.

*Back to Destiny's POV*

I can feel someone carrying me, but that's about all I can feel and soon I gasp when I open my eyes. Where am I? I sit up quickly as I worry and someone says "hey you have nothing to worry about." I look to them and I say "Griffin. You're alright." I go over to him, hugging him soon as I feel a few tears coming to my eyes as I hug him and he says "I'm alright thanks to you and your friends." I pull away from him and I say "well I couldn't just leave you there." Griffin says "well I'm glad you didn't. They were sacrificing them. Killing some of our friends. It was horrible Destiny." I say "I can't believe they were doing that. You should go rest Griffin." He nods as he leaves the room that I'm in and I look down. The people that I work for are sacrificing them and I don't understand it. Why would they do such a thing like this? I leave the room I'm in as I walk down the hallway, looking at the different markings on the wall and then I stop when I reach a room that has a hell hound marking on it. I look at the marking as I gently place my hand on it and then I knock on the door. I hear movement and then the door opens. Bray says "well nice to see you're up and walking around. You had me worried. You should use that power of yours less." I smile as I say "sorry about that. I just didn't want my friend getting hurt is all." Bray says "I understand. Please come in." I walk past him as I walk into his room, watching him close the door and I say "I just came to say thank you. I appreciate your help. I don't expect you to keep following me on my mission." Bray looks at me and he says "I wasn't planning on stopping. I made a promise with Dean. I promised that if one of us stopped following you that the other would keep the promise. I find it hard to not keep the promise though Destiny." I look at him for a moment and then I ask "what do you mean Bray?"

He comes over to me and I look up at him as I feel that feeling again. My heart is pounding in my chest and I can sense that his is too. Bray stops in front of me and he whispers "the feelings I have for you are hard to contain anymore. I thought you were human when I met you, but you're not human at all. That doesn't matter though. The way you handle yourself and the way you are is what draws me to you. I know I said that I would not make any moves towards you, but after that time when I pulled you from that darkness. I can't stop thinking about you." I blush deeply as I look at him and I feel the same feelings. I can never get him out of my head and I don't want to. He's different and I soon whisper "I know how you feel Bray." I smile as I move in closer to him and I gently place a hand on his chest. I look up at him and he looks at me with a smile. He whispers "may I finally kiss you my dear?" I chuckle softly as I whisper "you may." He pulls me close to him gently and then he leans in closer to me. I lean in closer to him as I close my eyes and in an instant our lips are connected. I kiss him back as I wrap my arms around his neck and he holds me close to him. The door to his room opens and we pull away as we look at the person. Griffin and Dean both look at us in shock and I blush even more than I was as I look at them.

'Just great. They just had to walk in and see us kissing. Oh my god this is super embarrassing...... I hate them for walking in on us like that and I'd hate to see their faces if we were doing more than kissing.'

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