Chapter Eight: Love In The Air

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'Bray and I kissed the other night, but I'm kind of worried about what Griffin is going to be thinking. I don't know what to do at the moment, but I do know that I liked the kiss. I need to figure out something.'

I'm in the training area, doing some meditation and listening to things. I know that I must confront my feelings for Bray and that kiss. I can sense someone walk into the training area and Griffin asks "what exactly are you doing?" I open my eyes as I soon look to him and I say "well I'm just doing some special training." I look away from him as I frown and he comes over to me, sitting next to me. Griffin says "I'm here to ask you some things." I look at him and I say "alright." Griffin asks "what is your relationship with the hell hound? Also is it true what I'm hearing about you not being human?" I look away as I sigh softly, shaking my head as I soon say "I don't know what my relationship is with him. As for me not being human, well that's true. I'm not human." Griffin asks "what are you then?" I go to speak, but soon I hear a loud scream and I hurry to get up. I run out of the training area, hurrying to where the scream came from and I soon stop as I see a blonde hair girl being hurt by a strange man. The girl screams again and I soon yell "hey leave her alone!" The man turns towards me and his smirk is a very toothy one. He says "well you're very different." I pull my gun out as I point it at the man and say "you leave that girl alone. I will not hesitate to shoot you." I glare at the guy as I soon gasp as I notice him disappear and I look around, but soon I feel someone behind me. The man says "well, I could always play with you instead." I quickly turn around as I point the gun at him and I say "I think not. Now boys." Bray, Dean, and Roman all come out of hiding. The man backs down as he growls at me and he says "this isn't the last time you will see me." I watch him disappear, but soon I get knocked back a little as I feel the wind and soon I feel someone's arms around me. The wind soon stops and I uncover my eyes as I soon look at who is holding me. I whisper "Bray..." Bray is staring ahead though and I look to where he's looking, but soon I feel him pick me up.

Bray yells "get out of here guys!" I notice Griffin has the girl with him as we all run and soon there is an explosion. I land on the ground with Bray not too far from me and I groan as I lay there. I notice that Bray is bleeding a little and I manage to crawl over to Bray. I roll him over and my eyes widen as I look at him. I whisper "Bray....." Bray groans as he soon opens his eyes and I look into his red eyes with my blue green ones. I feel concerned about him and I feel the tears starting to form as I look at his wound, using my extra clothing fabric as I apply pressure. I hold it to his side as I feel the tears fall down my cheeks and Bray whispers "you shouldn't cry for me." I look at him as I keep applying the pressure and I whisper "I-I.....Bray you're hurt and.....this f-fault." I wipe my tears with my one hand and Bray groans as he sits up, removing my other hand. I look at him and he says "I'm already healing. You have nothing to worry about. I'm going to be fine." I look at him and I frown, but soon he gently puts his hand on my cheek. I relax into his touch as I close my eyes and I soon whisper "don't ever worry me like that ever again." Bray puts his forehead on mine and I open my eyes as I look at him. He whispers "I'll try my best not to worry you." I look at him as I soon hear someone cough and I look at Griffin. Griffin says "um we should all get back to the house." I nod as I get up, helping Bray as I stand and we follow the others.

*Griffin's POV*

I'm not sure I approve of this relationship that Destiny is having with this hell hound, but she is a supernatural as well and I don't really know what to say about it. Though we have something else to worry about right now and that is this girl that was getting attacked by that man. I sigh softly as I walk into her room, looking at her as I shake my head and I attend to her wounds. She slowly starts moving and I frown a little before she soon wakes up. She asks "where am I at?" I say "you're in a safe place. My friends and I saved you." She looks at me and she says "oh. Well thank you. I'm Natalya. Um I'm not sure I should tell you this, but I'm a shape shifter." I say "well it's nice to meet you. I might be a hunter, but I'm not going to hurt you. I'm DeAndre Griffin, but most people just call me Griffin." Natalya says "oh well I really do appreciate you helping me. " I smile softly as I look at her and she leans closer to me. I ask "what are you doing?" Natalya says "I wanted to get a better look at you. You're very handsome. I've never seen a human this attractive before." I blush as I look at her and say "well thanks." Natalya smiles more and she hugs me soon. I'm not really sure as to what's really going to happen between us, but I'm not against it.

*Back to Destiny's POV*

I'm sitting in Bray's room as I watch him pace around the room and then I say "Bray please come sit down." I look at him and he soon comes over to me. He sits down beside me and he says "I'm sorry. I'm just thinking is all." I say "I understand." I gently touch his arm and he looks at me. I blush a little as I notice how he's looking at me and soon I'm laying on the bed with him on top of me. Bray growls lowly near my ear as he soon whispers "you're going to drive me crazy. I can hear those thoughts. I can feel your feelings." I bite my lip as I turn my head a little, feeling his breath on my neck and I whisper "Bray...."

'Why is he being like this? I can't really say that I'm not happy with the way that he's being, but it is a bit new to me since I've never had anyone get this close to me. I'm slightly scared about if he will bite me or not.'

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