Chapter Three: New Member

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'I can't believe that I actually agreed to let these two come with me because all Dean does is try to flirt with me and that causes Bray to get pissed at Dean. I hate that I agreed, but they seem to mean well.'

I stop in front of a small house, getting the door open and soon walk inside with the guys. Dean ask "this is really a secret base?" I roll my eyes as I walk over to the fire place, pressing a button and soon a secret stair case opens up. I say "follow me." I walk down the steps as I go into the actual secret base area and stop at the bottom of the steps. I hear a mewing noise at my feet and I say "hello Steve. I do hope you've been taking care of the place for me." I chuckle as I pick him up and walk to the wall of weapons, sitting Steve on the table. Now don't get it wrong here because Steve is a shapeshifter so if he wanted to be in his human form at the moment, well he could. I hear Dean start freaking out over everything and Bray says "this is a very nice place Destiny." I say "thanks. Now I want you two to be serious about this. If we find and hunters or huntresses, do not harm them." Dean asks "what if they are going to harm us?" I say "I'll take care of that." I look at tall the weapons as I soon take some off the wall. I set some on the table and soon turn around. I say "now I'm going to gear you two up, but if you turn on me at all. Well I will personally kill you both." Dean swallows hard as I watch him hide behind Bray and Bray says "understood." I smile and say "Dean these are your weapons. A gun that can kill supernatural creatures. A dagger that can poison someone. A set of grenades and an outfit that you can change into over there." Dean smiles widely as he takes everything and goes into the changing room. Bray says "that boy is way too excited for this." I say "yeah he is. Anyways. Here are your things Bray. I don't need to explain yours because I know you have used these before." Bray says "thank you Destiny." Dean comes out of the bathroom and he sticks his tongue out while winking. He says "I look so awesome." I nod as I motion for Bray to go get changed and I stand there getting my weapons on. I have my back to Dean and he comes up behind me. He asks "when are you going to reveal to him that you're a spirit walker?" I say "never. There is no reason to." I look over my shoulder a little and Dean has a serious face. He says "they have to know about it. The people you work for. They wouldn't just hire a spirit walker. They only hire humans."

I say "I went through the academy just like everyone else did and proved that I was top of my class. That's why they hired me." I move away from Dean as I hate him trying to get into my business about these powers that I'm not fully sure about anymore and I don't want to believe that I'm really not human. I sigh as I continue to get geared up and then I look over at Bray. I'm actually glad I got these armors made because I had a vision that I would need them some day and that day is today. I say "alright. Let's head out." I pet Steven's head and he purrs. I say "I'll be back Steve. You take care of the place for me." I head up the stairs as I soon stop at the top of them, smelling the air and I look around. I know something's not right and I close the secret base after Dean and Bray are upstairs. I whisper "we're not alone here." I walk through the house as I go to the door, smelling the scent get stronger as I stand there at the door and I soon kick the door right off the hinges. I watch the werewolf go flying and I walk out of the house as I soon run right at the werewolf. The werewolf finally gets up and he blocks my attack as we stare at each other. I glare at him because he's the one that I've been searching for and I soon do a low leg sweep. He falls to the ground and I put my foot on his chest. He changes back to normal and looks at me. I say "well Roman.....You should learn to be a bit better than that." Roman growls as he looks at me and says "well I shouldn't be your main thing to worry about at the moment. I came to give you a message. Your friend Griffin is locked away with some of the other hunters and huntresses."

I have the gun pointed at Roman's head and I say "you better not be lying." Roman says "I'm not. Now get off of me." I let him up as I stand there looking at him and soon look down. I say "I can't believe that he got caught. This doesn't make sense." Roman says "well I will tell you he wasn't captured by werewolves or vampires or hell hounds. No supernatural creatures have actually captured any humans." I look at him with a concerned look and I ask "who could be doing this then?" Roman says "the person who captured your friend looked to be human since he let his guard down." I shake my head as I soon punch a tree, whimpering a little at the feeling and look at the blood coming off from my hand. I sigh softly as I shake my head and Dean is the one to come to me. He asks "may I see your hand?" I nod as I let him look at my hand and I close my eyes when I feel him lick the wound on my hand. I feel him wipe the remaining saliva off and he says "good as new." I look at my hand and I say "thanks." Dean says "you're welcome." Bray says "it's already getting dark. We should just stay at your secret base for the night and head out tomorrow." I look up and sigh. It really is getting dark and I say "alright, but first. Are you coming with us Roman?" Roman looks at me and then at the other two. I can see that sparkle when he looks at Dean and he soon looks back at me. He says "sure." I nod as I lead them back to the house, making Roman put the door back on before we all rest up.

'Just what I need. Another supernatural traveling with me and then finding out that Griffin was captured. What is happening now? Could I be next? Who is doing this if it's not supernaturals?"

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