Chapter Two: The Mission Comes First

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'I remember fighting with a werewolf because I was helping out some hell hounds, but then everything seems a bit fuzzy. I don't know what happened really after that fight, but what I do know is that I need to get back onto my mission track.'

I groan when I feel a sharp pain in my leg and I sit up as I look to it. It's bandaged up and I sigh softly before I look around the room. Where am I? I move so that I'm sitting with my feet almost touching the ground and someone says "I wouldn't be getting up if I were you." I freeze as I soon look over to the person who said the words and I notice that it's Bray from earlier. I say "I can't just lay here and be lazy." I get up, immediately falling on the floor because my one leg isn't able to support me right now and I lay there. Bray says "I told you." I roll my eyes at him as I try to get back up, sitting there and I sigh softly. I say "I can't be wasting time like this. I have to go find the missing hunters and huntresses." Bray walks over to me as he pulls me up, sitting me on the bed and he says "well you're going to have to stay here at least until your leg is better. I may be a hell hound and you are a huntress, but I will not let anyone go out there to pretty much die because they are injured." I look down as I clench my fists and I say "I don't want to rest." Bray says "tough." I look up at him and he looks right back at me with those red eyes that hell hounds have. I stare at him with my blue green eyes and I say "fine.... But this is only so that I get my leg healed." Bray says "alright. Now you rest." I watch him walk away and I smirk softly. Like hell I'm resting. I get up off the bed after he leaves, feeling the pain in my leg and I soon start trying to walk. It's wonderful what you can do when you think about something other than the pain and master that art. I sneak my way out of the building that I'm in, looking around to make sure no one is watching me as I soon sneak into the forest and soon I stop. I hear a scream and I turn my head a little when I see a group of werewolves holding a girl and Bray is staring right at them.

I can't let this girl get hurt and I soon go back into the building a little bit as I soon close my eyes, letting my mind tap into this girls mind. My mind is soon in the girl and I take control. I make her open her eyes as I smirk and soon I end up taking out all the werewolves with her being under my control. I make her walk towards Bray and soon I disconnect with her. I open my eyes as I lean against the wall, holding my head as I soon try not to be very obvious and soon I hurry off into the forest before anyone can find me. I limp my way through some of the forest and soon I trip over a fallen branch, falling onto the ground. I groan as I lay there and try to get back up, but that's not happening. I manage to sit up as I lean against a tree and sigh softly as I look up at the top of the forest and try to relax. I jump a little when I feel someone behind me and I say "Ambrose." Dean says "wow you remember me." I say "well I can't forget a vampire who seems to always want to be near me. What is it that you want?" Dean moves so he's crouching in front of me and he says "your leg is injured still. I saw when you got hurt and then I watched your friend go off to face the werewolves that attacked you." I sigh as I say "well I'm fine." Dean says "you're really not, but you're trying to hide the pain with a trick that a human shouldn't know. Though you're not human." I look at him, feeling a bit shocked at his words and I say "I am human." Dean smirks as he moves closer to me, pulling my shirt down on my right shoulder to reveal the tattoo that I was born with and he whispers "spirit walker. You are not human with this tattoo." I push him away as I soon put my hand on my shoulder, looking away from him and I say "leave me alone." I try to get up, but Dean holds my legs down and says "you're going to let me heal this wound first before you hurt yourself." I sigh very loudly as I soon say "fine." I let him take the time to heal my leg and I watch him.

I don't know why he's even helping me, but soon I feel the presence of someone else out here with us and Dean looks at me. He whispers "I can sense them too." I jump slightly when someone says "boo." I end up on Dean's lap and I look up at Bray. Bray says "you shouldn't have left." I look down and Dean soon says "well you don't have to worry about anything hell hound. I took care of her wound." I look at Dean as he holds me and soon I move away from him as I look between them. I say "I'm sorry Bray, but I had to leave. You know that I have a job to do." Bray sighs as he says "well I'm going to go with you." I look at him and ask "what?" Bray says "I already instructed Braun that he will be in charge of the town while I'm away and I'm going to come with you." Dean says "oh hell no. I'm going too. Not going to let you travel with a guy alone." I shake my head at Dean as I sigh and ask "and traveling with two guys is better?" I look between them again and Bray says "she does have a point, but I will tell you huntress. I will not be making any advances like this animal. He is looking to take advantage of you." I say "well I do know that. I actually figured that the first time that I met this vampire." Dean makes a wounded expression and he says "I would never think of doing such a thing." I sigh as I say "either way if you two are going with me, we need to head to my secret base that's not far from here to stock up on weapons and other things." Bray says "alright." I say "by the way. My name is Destiny." I start limping off towards where the secret base is that I have and smirk a little.

'This is going to be a strange journey, but I think my mission matter more and I will finish my mission. I will do this and if they really want to help me, well they can. I will accept their help for now.' 

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