1. The birds are still chirping

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Chapter 1. The birds are still chirping

Mon, 14th Sept 2015

7:00 am

The Library's café

Life is tough out there. Admittedly, nobody likes the pressure. Especially me. Society pressure people from the very beginning to function as normal, excel in school, find a good job so I can be an obedient tax-paying citizen, chain myself to huge debt to buy a house and get married only to create a child so he can perpetuate the cycle.

In truth, I never understand this thing that people called life either.

I suffered from a bad anxiety and psychological pain that stems from a traumatic childhood. And when you're inflicted with such psychological pain for years, it's suffice to say that suicide seems to be the only viable option to numb the pain. After all, life is pretty meaningless, and I am convinced there is nothing left for me in this world now.

Except taxes and debt, of course.

But hey –

The birds are still chirping outside.

No matter how viciously this world crushes my spirit, strangely I do find that listening to the song of birds singing uplifts my weary and tired soul, as if they possess some kind of magic that can brings back my spirit from death.

Life feels good, at least for this moment.

Those wild birds that sit on the branches of trees are singing me a happy song, giving me strength to face another tough day at work today. They're rooting for me - why, thank you darling. The morning sun shines through maple leaves and the cold breeze of autumn is blowing gently between the trees, shedding dead leaves to the earth. The sound of dead leaves rustling under my feet as I walk towards my office. And look at that tiny little squirrel! he already wakes up to find some food for his rumbling belly. Well, aren't we all struggling to put some bread on the table?

The heart find great solace from listening to the song of nature.

If I die today, I could never wake up to the sound of little birds singing again. I could never bask in rays of sunshine or feels the soft breeze of autumn caressing my face. And what about the naughty squirrel that comes often to my balcony, sneaking his way in for a little treat? Who's going to replace me and place some nuts at the balcony for my little friend?

You see, I shall not die today. Not yet. Not until the birds stop chirping. 

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