2.What if heaven and hell are real?

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Chapter 2. What if heaven and hell are real?

Fri, 25th September 2015

12 midnight

My apartment rooftop - I couldn't sleep

As someone who contemplated suicide 99% of the time, the question of what comes after life intrigued me the most. After all, if I am pretty sure to end my life right now, I need to be sure of what's waiting ahead of me.

Humankind seems to have trouble coming to grips with mortality. We yearn for a life beyond what is offered on our plane of existence. The concept of immortality appeals to tired souls who seek greater purpose in life.

I was raised in an atheist household to believe in a godless world. As a little girl, I remember asking my once-sober father about God in the middle of the night, following the death of my beloved grandfather. He hugged me and whispered, "If a good God does exist, He could stop all human suffering. Why wouldn't He create a perfect universe in the first place? That's because there isn't any God out there. Now hush, go back to sleep."

From an atheist perspective, there is no scientific evidence to support the existence of God. Stephen Hawking, the great physicist once said that, "One can't prove that God doesn't exist, but science makes God unnecessary".

Recently, I read about a scientist who can prove that God doesn't exist. However, I also read about a neurosurgeon who confirms that the afterlife exist. Overall, my research finding sends me into a whirl of dazzling confusion.

Is there a purpose to our existence? Did God, with deliberate calculation created this world or are we some result of random events?

I wish I could ask dead ones about life after death, but they couldn't talk back to tell us what they see, isn't it true? The dead ones have real answers to my question. The living ones are debating endlessly about it, proving each other wrong with their own set of supportive argument.

How can someone be so sure that God does/doesn't exist? I don't. We are literally living in the midst of a jungle of theories and ideologies. How do you tell right from wrong?

If God doesn't exist, then there is no afterlife. I could just kill myself and let my body decomposed in the ground.

But if good God is real, then heaven and hell do exist. That's a whole other story. There is an awesome future beyond the grave, as told by religious scripture about heaven, though forever is a long time to be tormented in hellfire.

Nope, I couldn't die today. There is a lot work and research need to be done from my part - not until I'm a bit surer of what's waiting ahead of me. 

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