Chapter 4

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*Louis' POV*

"Where were you?" Liam asked me as he sat on the couch watching the news.

"Harry needed help, and then we went went to the park and played around. It was fun." I responded, setting Jaspar down on the couch, as he fell asleep on the bus on the way home.

I went to the kitchen to make myself a cup of tea, I took two of my migraine pills as I felt one coming on.

"Have you asked him out yet?" Liam asked, turning the TV to some Disney in case Jaspar woke up.

"Not yet, I don't even know if he's gay and I found out some stuff last night." I replies, rubbing my temples. I walked back into the living room sitting next to Jaspar's unconscious body, and petting his hair.

"Like what?"

"His dad is Robin Styles." I said, tapping the sighed of my mug with my fingertips.

"Wait the guy that-" Liam started, but I cut him off.

"Yeah, the guy that put my dad in jail, causing my mom to marry a rich abuser who forced me into prostitution, and then shunned me when I got pregnant. That guy." I gripped my mug, setting it town to look at Jaspar. "I lived a bit of a hard life, but this miracle, my miracle, came out of that. And I wouldn't change it for the world." I smiled.

"What if he's just like his dad? What if he accuses innocent people just to make money?" He said, his face etched with worry.

I ran a hand through my hair, the anxiety setting in. "I don't think so, he-he's just really nice. Jaspar likes him and I do too, he's smart and attractive. But artistic and confident at the same time." I described to him.

"Well you have work in a couple hours, I would recommend taking a nap." Liam said. I picked up Jaspar and took him to our room.

"OK goodnight Li."

"Goodnight Lou."


I walked down the streets at midnight, in my uniform for my bartending job. It had horrible hours, and pretty bad pay, but money is money.

I walked through the back door labeled 'STAFF'. I checked in and took off my hoodie, grabbing my apron and walked to the bar.

"Hey Lou." One of my coworkers, Luke, greeted.

"Hey Luke, how're you?" I started to grab beers from the freezer, for east access to customers.

"I'm good, Ashton is still sick though, he's been having really bad stomach cramps, and we are going to the doctors in a few days." He explained, drying some of the cups.

Ashton was his boyfriend of 2 years, I met him a couple times at the bar, but I didn't get to know him well.

"Do you think he's pregnant?" I asked.

"I mean maybe, but we've used a condom every time. It doesn't make sense, but if he was I would probably have to get another job. He would get off his job for a few months, and we'd need more money." He sighed.

"Well, make sure to get an ultrasound, and if he is congrats." I patted him on the shoulder and went to the middle of the bar.

"3 vodka shots please." I heard a familiar voice say. I grabbed the shot glasses and poured the vodka, not bothering to look up.

"Here you go sir." I pushed the glasses towards him only to look up to see another man that ruined my life. Ben Winston.

"Hello Louis." He smirked, taking a glass and downing it.

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