Chapter 5

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*3rd Person* (all chapters will be in 3rd person unless said otherwise)

Louis woke with a headache and a pain in his arse. He turned over expecting a cold side of the bed, but instead was met with a warm chest. Who the fuck?

He started pushing against the guys chest, hoping to move him over, but he wouldn't budge. "Hey! Dude wake up!" He yelled.

Harry groaned at the voice yelling at him. "5 more minutes." He mumbled, taking a deep breath through his nose.

"No!" Louis kept pushing at this mans chest, until he looked up. He saw the familiar curls, the strong jaw, and the penis nose. "Harry?"

"Huh?" Harry finally rubbed his eyes and looked down. "Louis?"

Both boys stared at each other. Harry finally got to appreciate Louis wonderful blue eyes. And Louis got lost in Harry's forest green.

"W-we..I...y-you." Louis stuttered, not being able to think of a sentence to explain the situation.

"Hey, its OK. You can explain this to your boyfriend and I will take full responsibility." Harry sighed, fully convinced that Liam and Louis were together.

"M-my what?" Louis wipes his tears to look at Harry.

"Your boyfriend? Liam?"

Louis started to laugh, the thought of doing Liam making him feel disgusted. There was nothing wrong with Liam, but they grew up together, it was like dating your brother.

"We are not together. And will never ever be together." He explained to Harry, slowly sitting up, whimpering  at the pain in his bum.

"Well then what's the issue? And you should stay down. I think I have some Advil in my bag." Harry stood up, feeling a bit dizzy from the head rush, and walking towards his bag.

"Did we use a condom?" Louis asked nervously.

"I don't think so, I must have forgot. I don't have any diseases, I swear. Why do you ask?" Harry smiled, grabbing a half drunken water bottle and 3 advils.

"Thanks, and no reason. Just wondering." Louis smiled and gulped down the pills.

"Holy shit! I have class in 2 hours. Is it OK if I leave?" Harry new it wasn't polite to leave after sex, but he needed too.

"Its fine, go ahead." Louis smiled.

Harry rushed to get the rest of his clothes on (he had put on his briefs the night before) and rushed out the door.

He was in the back of the club were Louis worked, and because it was 8 am, almost no one was there. Except for a few drunks, but Harry wasn't one to judge.

He speed walked outside, not prepared for the sunlight. It hit him straight in the eyes and he groaned loudly. He quickly pulled his sunglasses on and got into his car, Niall must have gotten an uber.

It took him 45 minutes to get back to the dorm. He ran in and immediately went to the showers. He stripped down and went into one of the cubicles.

He grabbed the bar soap and all of a sudden, flashes from the night before became rushing in.

He remembers pushing Louis against the wall, and hearing his high pitched moans. He felt himself hardening, and he stated to think of his grandma naked, and that made it soften.

He washed his hair and body, before grabbing his toothbrush and brushing his teeth. Yes, sometimes he brushes his teeth in the shower, it's a bit weird, but to Harry it was pretty normal.

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