Chapter 9

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"Oh hell no." Liam cursed. He did a double take to make sure that he saw what he thought he saw. Liam was correct, all 3 tests said positive.

"Hey!" Liam lightly kicked both of the boys on the floor. After he could see that they were both a little awake. "What the fuck is this?" He whispered, well he yelled it too. He didn't want to wake Jaspar.

"What's that?" Louis sleepily asked, rubbing his eyes with his fists.

"A pregnancy test." Liam rolled his eyes.

"You're pregnant Liam! Congratulations!" Louis smiled in a daze.

"No you idiot, its yours. And they all say your pregnant!" Liam put the test down and washed his hands.

The memories from the night before started rushing back and Louis stood up.

"Liam I-" Louis started, but he was cut off by Liam.

"No Louis, I can't you believe you were so stupid. Fucking him on the first date, or maybe even before. God, you're such a whore." The words left Liam's mouth before he could stop them. "Louis I'm so-"

"Don't. I'm going to go to my room." Louis cut him off and walked to his room.

Harry had been asleep on the floor basically the whole time. When he heard a door slam he popped up.

Harry looked around noticing that the boy he was asleep with was gone. "Where's Louis?" He asked.

"I found the tests. And you better take care of this fucking baby and him or I'll get my uncles and we'll all beat your ass. Understand?" Liam growled, poking Harry's chest.

Harry had found out from Louis that Liam had 6 uncles. And he saw a picture, 2 were policemen, 3 had been in the military, and 1 was a bodybuilder! Harry might never be able to walk again.

Harry nodded, shifting his eyes away from Liam's eyes. "Where is he?" He asked.

Liam pointed to Louis room and Harry walked towards it, knocking on the door. "Lou? Its Harry?"

Harry heard sniffling and rustling before the door opened. Louis had red cheeks and eyes.

Harry walked into the room closing the door behind him. "You OK?" He asked.

"Yeah, its just Liam said some stuff. No big deal." Louis laid back down on the bed.

Harry sighed. and laid down next to him. Louis turned over and lad in Harry's chest, hearing his heart beat.

"We can do this OK? I'll get us an apartment that's close to campus, I'll read pregnancy books and get closer with Jaspar

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"We can do this OK? I'll get us an apartment that's close to campus, I'll read pregnancy books and get closer with Jaspar. Maybe we can even date, if you want." Harry lightly rubbed Harry's back.

"Yeah, but what about Liam. I pay half the rent, and we've went on one date. I don't know if we should move in together yet. I do think we should get Japsar used to the idea of you being around a lot, and eventually tell him. But we still have to be 100% sure, I- we still need to make an appointment.  And I think it'd be great to date as stuff." Louis looked up at Harry, liking the way he was being touched.

"I'm going to be a dad. I'm so scared." Harry sighed.


"Well for one I don't what to do. I can't change a diaper or make a bottle. And two, I don't wanna end up like my dad. He's so controlling." Harry thought back to being forced to play sports (at which he sucked at), being forced to make coffee runs after school, and now forced to take over the company.

"You'll be a great dad, I just know it." Louis was worried too. Having Jaspar and both of them surviving was a miracle. He had vowed to never get pregnant again, but fate chose something else.

The two boys fell asleep, seeing as it was 6am.

2 hours later, Harry was awoken by his father calling.

"Hello?" Harry sleepily asked.

"You went on a date with him!" Robins voice boomed through the phone.

"What?" Harry spluttered, he didn't know how his father new.

"Your everywhere, again! A waiter said you two were on a date, and that you threatened him for no reason, and then left! Harry you need to tweet or something ,saying you aren't gay, and stop seeing that man!"

"Dad I can't do that." Harry sighed, thinking of the baby.

"Yes you can and you will. If you don't I'll cut you off."

Harry had to make a choice, Louis and the baby or money that would help him through life.

"I'm sorry." He kissed Louis head and walked out the door.


When Harry got to campus, he ran into Professor Malik.

"Hello Harry, how're you today?"

"Did you ever date Louis Tomlinson?" Harry blurted out, way to be smooth Harry.

"Uh...well...not really date, but we did stuff. Why, did he ask about me?" Zayn smirked.

"Did you know you have a son?" Harry could have just ruined Louis life. Maybe he didn't want Zayn to know about the baby.

"It was a boy? Well you know I needed to get an education, I really didn't need a kid in my life." He shrugged.

Harry thought he was a horrible person. How could someone know you have a kid, and leave the father.

Shit, Harry was Zayn. He would never know his son or daughter and never try to know.

"Louis?" He called the boy.

"What do you want, I saw your note. I get you don't want this. I don't know why I expected any more."

Wait, Loui-" And then Louis hung up.

Shit. Liam's uncles were coming for him. And he hurt Louis.

He hurt Louis.

*Authors note*





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