Chapter 11

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  Louis was surprised to feel the other boys lips on his. It was the first time they had kissed sober. Harry's lips were soft and rough at the same time, and Louis felt his stubble rubbing across his chin.

Louis finally started to kiss back, and they fell back on the bed. In between kissed Louis said "We. Need. To. Stop."

Harry nodded and pulled off him. He laid next to him rubbing the other boy's stomach.

"Am I forgiven?" Harry felt that feeling in his stomach again. Nervousness, anxiousness, whatever you wanna call it. Either way, it wasn't a good feeling.

"I don't know, Harry. I only trust a few people, and I've know them my whole life. I just met you, and I'm having a baby. This little mush of stem cells and DNA, is inside me. And I love them already. I need to know that you will love them too. You don't need to love me, I have my issues. But promise that you'll love this kid." Louis stared into Harry's eyes.

"I promise." And Harry leaned closer to kiss him again, before the door burst open.

"Hazzy!" Jaspar yelled, jumping in between Harry and Louis. "What'cha doin?" He asked, laying on Harry's chest, poking the buttons on his shirt.

"Grown up stuff." Harry said, telling the boy and petting his hair.

"Uncle LiLi said grown ups do sex. That what you doin?" The toddler lifted his head up, looking up at Harry with his big blue eyes. A replica of Louis'.

"I-uh.." Harry looked at Louis for help, who just shrugged his shoulders.

"He said they do it when they love each other? Do you love each other?" Jaspar asked, it took him a bit, but he got the sentences out.

"I mean-" Harry was cut of by the toddler.

"Are you gonna get married?" He now looked at his father, an innocent look on his face.

"No! Jaspar, Harry and I aren't gonna get married any time soon." Louis answered.

"But all the other kids have 2 grown ups. I only have one!" Jaspar now sat up, crossing his arms and pouting his lips.

"Jaspar, we've talked about this." Louis sighed, knowing his son was probably gonna throw a fit.

"B-but Daddy! You said I had 2 daddys! If you one, where t-the other?" Jaspar now had a couple of tears falling, and his lips were wobbling.

"Jas I-"

"I'm your other Daddy!"


Niall and Liam sat in Niall's car.

"Do you think Jaspar interrupted something important?" Niall sat in the passenger seat, the doctor said he shouldn't drive for a week.

"I mean, hopefully not. I don't need anymore nieces or nephews than I already have." Liam chuckled, looking over to Niall, as they stopped at a red light. He and Niall were going on a date, and had woken the toddler up to give his dad a surprise.

"What do you like about boobs?" Niall asked, making Liam jump as the weird question.


"So, if your bisexual. You like guys and girls, so what's so attractive about boobs. Like I know they aren't for men's pleasure, they are literally there to feed babies. So what did you find attractive about them?" Niall asked again, his feminist side coming out. He didn't want to date a scumbag who thought women were for men's pleasure.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 09, 2016 ⏰

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