Chapter 6

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Louis walked into his apartment, trying to be quiet since it was early.

"Where were you?" Liam asked as he walked in, the man had woken up early to watch a match.

"I was at work, and then I slept over at someone's house." Louis tried to make it sound better than it actually was.

"You sure about that?" Liam asked, and then he turned the channel to a celebrity new network.

"Harry Styles, son of CEO billionaire Robin Styles, was seen last night with a young man kissing and dancing. The video was videotaped by a bystander, who has said that the two men went into the back and didn't come out for the rest of the night. Styles was seen today walking out of the club, but we did not see the young man. Back to you Jeff." The young woman explained, standing in front of a company with 'Styles Inc.' across the top.

"Shit, shit, shit." Louis cursed, running a hand through his messy hair.

"Yeah, shit. Robin Styles is notorious for being an underlying homophobic, and who knows what he might do to you, just so this doesn't happen again." Liam explained.

"I'll talk to Harry about this later OK? But where's Jaspar?" Louis asked.

"Asleep. But he woke up last night from a nightmare, screaming for you. But you weren't there." Liam said, making Louis feel guilty.

He walked back to his room, seeing Jaspar lying on his bed, cuddling with his teddy.

"Jaspar...Jaspar..." Louis tried shaking his son awake.

"Daddy?" The young boy looked up to his father.

"Yeah its me love, I'm sorry I wasn't here for you last night. Daddy had to work." Louis said, then kissing his son's head.

"It OK, Daddy." Jaspar yawned, before falling back asleep. Louis walked out of his room.

He picked up his cell phone and called Harry, for the second time today.

It rang a few times, before Harry picked up. Professor Malik was not happy to hear a phone ringing in the middle of his class, so Harry had to go outside the room.


"Harry, its me Louis, again. And have you seen the news lately?" Louis nervously asked.

"No, not yet, what's going on?" Harry asked, wondering if something had happened.

" you know how we...yeah...last night. Well, someone video taped us dancing, and sent it to some tabloids. And we are kinda...everywhere." Louis explained.

"What!? Fuck." Harry yelled, putting Louis on speaker and searching up his name on Google.

'Harry Styles seen with mystery man. EXCLUSIVE VIDEO!'

'Video of Harry Styles dancing with new guy.'

'How will Robin react to this? Harry Styles seen with unknown man. Watch video.'

"Yeah I know. Liam told me that your parents aren't very...accepting. So, if you don't want to see me anymore, then I understand. I won't go the press or anything." Louis sighed, he really liked Harry, he seemed perfect. But, perfect doesn't last long.

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