chapter 1

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The sun was shining through the clouds that covered Blithe Hollow, and a car was driving slowly in the neighborhood; that car would be the one that had the Jones family inside: Mel, Charlie, and their daughter, and only child, Coraline Jones. They've just moved out of the Pink Palace, and Coraline didn't like moving away again, especially away from Wybie, who turned out to be her one and only newly found friend there. Mel looks through her catalog that was in her binder, checking to make sure everything was- in her intress and point of view- "perfect" and "Acceptable" to turn in to her and Charlie's new boss. Charlie focuses on the road, also getting a quick peek at the old town; everything seemed to be very beautiful here- well...Coraline didn't really care that much...she just wanted to stop moving away from other cities, town, states, whatever, and just stay there! The blue-haired girl just sighs with a mixture of boredom, sadness, and a feeling that couldn't be notified; Mel however, could tell what that emotion was from her daughter, "Oh, cheer up, Coraline! I swear, things will get better," Coraline glares a little, "How's moving everywhere in every one year gonna get better? I literally have friends in almost 12 states, Mom, 12! And rarely do I ever receive calls, letters, or texts from them. Let's not forget about e-mails either, Mom." Mel sighs a little, "Had to at least give it a try." She says quietly to herself.

As they continue to drive towards their new home, Coraline starts to become bord out of her mind! So bord, that she's started to sing some random Russian songs that Mister B, from her last home, had tought her. This starts to drive her father crazy, but Mel seemed to be a little both impressed, and shocked to hear their daughter singing in Russian, "Coraline,PLEASE-!" Charlie says, but gets interrupted by his wife, "CHARLIE, LOOK OUT!" Mel comands. A young boy, about Coraline's same hieght and age, almost got hit by the villicel, but Charlie quickly slams onto the breaks. The family groans in shock and all hit their heads on the head rest on their car seats; Coraline, how ever, looks out the window to catch a glimpse of the boy: Spiky brown hair, blue eyes, about her same age and hight, wore a red jacket and blue jeans with black shoes. The boy looked scared for his life, but then quickly, even though it looked slowly because of his almost near-death-experience, he steps off of the road. Charlie was able to start the car again, and drives off.

"Charlie! You almost hit that child; watch where you're going!" Mel snaps, which makes Charlie roll his eyes, which made Mel slap his head with her binder. Coraline laughed quietly to herself at the sigh of her parents: Some times...her parent's anger makes her so happy. But the one thing that was on her mind right now, after the hilarious scene that her mother delivered towards her father, was that boy...she couldn't help but to feel sorry for him for her father's- what Mel claims to be- his "Drunkin' Driving", even though Charlie doesn't drink, he can be a bit of a lousy driver some times- which is why his licences got removed...three times apparently!

Once the Jones Family had finally reached their new home, they all got out of the car, and start to wait for their moving van to park right up at their drive-way; but while they were waiting, they gotten the stuff that was in the car with them, inside of the house. Coraline starts to carry a box that belongs to her, and takes it up into her new room, where her bed and dressers were waiting for her, thanks to her father for getting the moving guys to bring all the heavy furniture to the house first. She sets her box on the floor, in her newly painted blue room, which was the same blue tint as her hair; everything was just "perfect" to Coraline: Moving away from another area, again! Having to make new friends and leave them, again! And having to explore and get use to her new enviroment...AGAIN!

The blue-haired girl sighs as she takes some stuffed animals and some books out of her box, placing them onto her dresser and chest, for her toys. And the books on her book shelf, which was right nest to her bed by the window. Coraline grabs her satchel that was in her box as well, and starts heading downstairs, to explore her new neighborhood. Mel and Charlie pays the moving guys and everything, and Coraline starts leaving the yard, until her mother had called her, "Coraline...where are you going now?" At first, she didn't know if it was a good idea to answer her, but sighs and turns around to face her, "I'm going to explore our new town, Mom. Is that okay with you right now?" Mel sighs and shakes her head with a tiny smile on her lips, "You and exploring...alright, Coraline, you can explore. Just be sure you have your new cell phone with you, just in case, okay?" Coraline nods, then she starts off.

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