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The door slowly creeks open as Wybie gives it a firm push. He observes the area, seeing himself in the basement again. Only this time, it wasn't the basement, not the real one. Just like the upstairs, the place was dim-lilted and only black and green lights surrounded the area. Creped out, Wybie rushes to the upper level of the house, finding himself in the living room.

The furniture was all bug-themed and was moving. Wybie was about to turn back when he sudden hears a muffle. "Help! Somebody help me! Get me out of here!"

Wybie gasps, getting the feeling that Norman was here in the area. Quickly, he follows the sound of the voice, and soon finds it coming near the door in the kitchen, leading outside. Cautious, Wybie makes his way over towards the door, but before he could grab the handle, the door burst open, followed by a strong force of wind. Wybie flies backwards and crashes against the wall.

The wall begins to hold Wybie in place; his arms and legs getting pulled into the wall. As Wybie struggles a figure enters the room. Not bothering who's coming towards him, Wybie continues to struggle free, only to find a hand made up of needles caressing his cheek. Wybie froze, unable to speak. Slowly opening his eyes, he gasps at the sight in front of him. The Beldam.

The Beldam smirked. "Hello Wybie,"

"Y-You!" Wybie exclaims fearfully. "You're the...the..."

"The Beldam?" She finishes, followed by a wicked laugh. "Why, my dear Wybie, so you doremember me. I guess you remember smashing my hand quite well?"

Wybie laughed nervously. "I could I forget?"

"HOW CAN YOU FORGET?!" The Beldam roars with anger in Wybie's face. "For one whole year, I've been stuck here, with NOTHING! But now that I've got you and Norman here, Coraline shall fight even more ferociously in able to save you both."

She grasps Wybie, forcefully ripping him away from the wall. Wybie screams. The Beldam laughs as Wybie attempts to break free from her grasps. Wybie then kicks the Beldam hard in the chest, causing her to let him go; screaming in pain. Wybie looks around the kitchen, seeking an exit. Finally, he spots the back door in the kitchen, and makes a run for it.

Wybie then runs out the door, jumps the fence, and sprints away as fast as he could. The Beldam makes her way over towards the open door, and snarls as she watches him get away. However, she grins, yelling, "YOU'VE GOT NOWHERE TO RUN, WYBIE! YOU'LL DIE OUT THERE, JUST LIKE CORALINE!"

Wybie sounds out her wicked laughter as he continues to run away. "I have to find Coraline!" He says to himself.

Coraline lead Cat, Aggie, Neil, and Courtney to the library, where they were for certain that Salma was there. Walking up to the door, Coraline attempts to open it, but with no progress. She sighs with frustration and turns around.

"Aggie..." She says, motioning to the door.

"On it," The ghost says, phasing through the door.

Once the door was open, the group runs inside. Inside the library, it was dark...very dark.

"Ohhh," Groaned Courtney, scared. "I don't like the dark! I don't like creepy, abandoned places! I don't-"

"Shut it!" Coraline hisses over her shoulder, continuing on. "I'm not a big fan of going through here, either, but if it's the only way to get to Norman, then I'm willing to go through this."

Neil looks around the library as they go further into it, asking, "So where would Salma be?"

"The basement?" Aggie suggested.

Courtney's eyes widen with fear; she yells, "No, no, no, no, NO! Defiantly NOT! What's even worse that creepy, abandoned places with supernatural beings is creepy, abandoned places with supernatural beings with basements! I'm not going down there, you can't make me!"

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