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As the sun starts to set apon the sky over the town of Blithe Hollow, and in the Babcock's house, a certain brown-spiked haired boy wakes up, more like stired, to the sound of a zombie moan from his alarm clock. Norman groans and slaps the clock, turning it off, and soon gets up, after five more minutes of sleep; but today was another new day, but with a new change: Coraline going to school with him! He's been dreaming about how it might go today- about how much time they'll talk during lunch, wondering if they'll both have the same classes in the school. After he got his cloths on, he walks down towards the bathroom, but hears some water turning off, and sees steam coming out of room; he knew it had to be Courtney in there, she's pretty much the only one who's in the bathroom every morning before school, ten minutes early before Norman wakes up. When entering the room, he was forced to listen in on what his sister was singing in the shower: "...All my life I've been good, but now..Whoa whoa whoa, I'm thinking: What The Hell..." Norman rolls his eyes as he starts to leave the room to get some breakfast, smelling some fresh pancakes being made by his mother's wonderful cooking.

When entering the kitchen and sitting down, his mother turns around from the stove, smiling warmly at her son as she places three pancakes onto a plate, placing it in front of him, "Good Morning, sweetie!" She exclaims with happiness, going back over towards the stove to make some more pancakes for everyone else, "And How are we on this fine day?" Norman shrugs as he starts to eat up his meal, just when his old man walks into the room, groaning.

Sandra turns and sees her husband sitting down at the table, and gives him his pancakes, along with a small peck on the cheek, "Morning, Perry, how are you today," He takes the newspaper and starts to read it again, "Not much...but I amgonna work extra now, for a bonus!" He exclaims with a proud tone in his voice. Sandra smiles and congrajulates him; Norman didn't really care, but tries so hard to get along with his father. He knew that his father's trying to be a better parent than what he's been in the far past- saving the town and proving he wasn't crazy is kinda earning him some respect for what he is from his father. Perry's also been feeling like he's been a little rough on his son, so keeps telling himself to watch what he says when talking to Norman, and try to be a better parent.

"Hey Norman," Perry says, putting his paper down. Norman looks up at him, after finishing anothr bite of his pancakes, "Yeah?" He asked him. The ghoul whisper's father rubs the back of his neck, like he's about to ask a girl out in a nervous way, "...How'd ya like to go and do something this weekend?" Norman couldn't believe what he was hearing: His father, the sencond from Courtney, who's been dissing his taking to the dead abbilaties, is asking him if he'll like to do a father and son activity, together, on this very weekend! It was such a happy thought for the boy, and was about to answer him, until a certain tall blond, wearing her usually outfit, comes downstairs.

Courtney just grabs a cereal bar, and an apple, before heading out towards the door. Sandra stops her, "Courtney...don't you want a pancake?" The girl turns and looks at her mother like she was just born, "Mom...I need to get to school earlier now, remember?" It took Sandra a moment to figure out what her daughter was talking about, before shaking her head in an apologizing way, "Oh, silly me! How can I forget? You and the other cheerleaders have practice before and after school now!" Courntey nods before heading out the door, but she stops, peeking her head into the room, looking at Norman, "Um...say, Norman, want me...to drive you to school?" Norman shakes his head, "Nah, thanks Courtney, but Coraline and I are walking." The teen only smirks and nods before leaving, her car could be heard as she drives away from the drive-way of their house.

Perry looks over at his son, "You sure you two don't need a ride? Because one of us can alwaystake you two, honest." Norman shakes his head and puts his dirty plates away, before heading back upstairs to finish up getting ready, "No thanks, Dad." Is all he said, before disappearing towards the stairs and up.

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