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They all just sat there, staring at him blankly. Finally, for what seemed like forever, Mel opened her mouth to speak, pointing at the boy during the process. "I remember you," she claimed. "Wybie, how nice to see you again."

"Nice to see you as well, Mrs. Jones." Wybie replied, taking a seat at the table.

Sandra and Perry exchanged bewildered glances. "Excuse me," Sandra begun. "but who is this?"

Charlie turns to Sandra and Perry.

"His name is Wybie Lovat. He's a good friend of Coraline's. Before we moved here, they were like best friends...after some crazy dream thing that Coraline kept bringing up."

"Those were no dreams, I'm afraid..." Sighed Wybie, shaking his head.

"What?" The four adults asked.

Wybie took reached into his pocket and dug out a small package wrapped in newspaper. He opened it up to reveal the Norman doll. Everyone froze in silence, both confused and creped out by that doll.

"What on Earth..." Perry observed.

"Coraline had one of these dolls back at our old house!" Mel exclaimed.

Wybie nodded, "That's so true, Mrs. Jones. However, that doll looked like her. This doll resembles Norman."

"How do you know our son?" Sandra asked.

"Well, you see Mrs. Babcock, it all started several days ago..."


Coraline was lying on her bed, chatting with Wybie through Skype on her laptop. It's been two days that she's been in Blithe Hollow, and she gave Wybie all the details- details on everything that she's seen, done, and the people she'd met...especially Norman.

Wybie smirked on the screen. "You like him, don't you?"

"Well..." Coraline blushed deep red. She fiddled with her hair, looked around aimlessly, trying to find some sort of lie to cover it up, or at least attempt to change the subject. But, of course, things got the best of her, and Coraline couldn't help but grin, followed by a girlish squeal that startled Wybie. She bellows, "HELL YES!"

"Ha! Knew it!" Wybie teased.

Coraline flushed angrily. "Don't tease me..." She warned.

"Sorry, sorry. So, tell me about him. You guys getting along, I presume?"

Coraline nodded. "Mhm! He's such a nice guy, Wybie. Norman seems to understand me just as much as I understand him. Apparently, he has the ability to speak to the dead."

Wybie's jaw drops. "No way..."

"Way~" She sung. "Anway, he showed me around town, we've been spending lots of time together, and tonight...we're going to a dance together!"

"That's great, Coraline." Wybie smiled. "I hope you two have fun."

"Thanks, Wybie." Coraline replied with a blush. She looks at the clock and gasps; she had to get ready. Turning back to the computer screen, she says, "I have to call you back later, Wybie. I need to get ready."

"Okay, Coraline. Have fun! And take pictures." He smirked.

Coraline glared at him for only a moment before Wybie burst out laughing. Rolling her eyes, Coraline says goodbye to Wybie one last time before logging off her Skype account and shutting down her laptop.


"Ooookaaayyy...That explains how you know our son," Perry Babcock remarked. "but how did you find out about this situation, and how, exactly, did you manage to get here? Most of all...what do you mean you have an idea where he is, and why we may never believe in you?"

Wybie shrugged. "It's kind of hard to explain. Mostly because I'm afraid you'll all think I'm crazy."

Sandra shook her head. "Sweetie, after everything that's been going on, do you really think that we'll just call you crazy? Our son and daughter is missing. If you have any ideas where they might be, then tell us."

Wybie nodded. He then adjusted himself in his seat. Looking into all four the adult's eyes, he was getting nervous. What if they were only reassuring him they won't judge him because they only want answers? Still, he had to help them. For the safety of Coraline and Norman.

"Okay," He sighed heavily. "I'll tell you."

Everyone started to listen very closely. Wybie went into detail after detail about how Coraline explained to him about this other world when she was living in the Pink Palace. He even went into detail about the Beldam, and how she stole his grandma's sister when they were kids, and how he heard about her plans for Coraline after her defeat. After going over the past, he started to explain how Coraline had texted him after the disappearance of Norman and how she was worried sick. He got on his bike and rode it to Blithe Hollow. Wybie had gotten Norman's address from Coraline, due to him wanting to help and needing clues. Once he got into the house, he found a small doll somewhere in the basement, with Norman's appearance. And finally, Wybie explained how this is all some part of revenge scheme for the Beldam to strike back at Coraline.

"...And that's everything I know. Do you believe me?" Wybie asked nervously.

There was nothing but silence. All the adults, even the cops, where just still in place, with bewildered expressions. Wybie sighed and got up, looking down at the table with his hands lying upon it. "Never mind," He sighed bitterly. "you all just think I'm crazy."

"No," Mel says firmly, brining upon shock from everyone. "I believe you."

"What?" Wybie asked; surprised as he looks up.

"I said I believed in you." Mel repeated. "Look, I know it all sounds crazy, but it's not, actually. Coraline told Charlie and I these things all the time back at the Pink Palace. In fact, she kept bringing up this small door."

"Precisely!" Wybie exclaimed. "That small door you're referring to leads you into that world!"

"So there's another Blithe Hollow, and our children are stuck in there?" Perry asked with disbelief.

Sandra places a hand on her husband's shoulder and gives it a firm grasp. "Perry, I know this all may seem hard to believe, but this could be the closets thing to their disappearance. Charlie and Mel seems to understand and agree with...Wybie's facts. Besides, may I remind you of that whole witch's curse thing from last year?"

Perry sighed with defeat. "Fine," He muttered; he turns to Wyibe. "So...where is this door? The Pink Palace? I ain't driving all the way there, kid."

Wybie shook his head. "Actually..."


"There's one in your basement." Wybie says, pointing to the small door against the Babcock's basement wall.

All the adults and a few cops were standing behind Wybie. There was some green light illuminating from the inside of the door, which was indicating that all of this wasn't a hoax.

"Okay, so we've found the door..." Charlie observed. "Now what?"

Wybie turns his head to face them all; an expression of determination forms on his face. "There's only one thing to do..." He turns and glares at the door. He needed to get through it. He needed to save his friend. "I'm going in there."

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