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Coraline slowly pushes the door, causing a small creaking sound as she emerges from the door. Cat, Courtney, Neil, Salma, and Aggie enters from the small door after her. They appeared to be in the basement again. Everything looked the same...expect for the now strange green-and-black colors that were everywhere. Aggie floats above Coraline's head, and scouts out the are. The ghost girl suddenly hears some silent screams and gasps coming from behind her. When Aggie looks down, she sees everyone staring at her.

"OMG..." Courtney whispers. "A g-ghost?! Have I gone insane?!"

Coraline rolls her eyes.

"No, you guys, this is Aggie; Norman's ghost friend...his ancestor." She explains.

They all seem to slowly adjust to seeing a ghost; none of them had ever seen a ghost before. But how come Coraline knew about this ghost girl? That question was going to have to wait for a while. Just then, Cat leads his way towards the bottom of the stairs, glaring at the doorway above. He turns his head back around towards the group, saying, "I think she's up there,"

Everyone except Coraline gasps.

"And yes, my friends, I can talk." Cat explains.

"B-But...how?" Neil asked.

Salma nods while fixing her glasses. "Indeed. I don't recall you talking while back at the Babcock's residents."

"He can only talk while in this world- The Other World." Coraline says, walking towards the stairs.

They all give her confusing looks; Coraline promised them that she'll explain everything later. But right now, they had to find Norman, and bring him back home where he belongs, and try to find a way to get rid of The Beldam once and for all.


Once upstairs, everyone moves slowly towards the kitchen, and sees that some foods were made. Neil, being Neil, happily strolls over towards the meal to examine it. He smacks his lips before reaching for a chicken leg. Coraline gaps, and smacks Neil's hand away, making him grasps his now red hand, and rubs it tenderly.

"Ouch..." He whines.

"Sorry, Neil, but I wouldn't! Who knows what The Beldam had placed in that food!" She exclaims.

Courtney rolls her eyes, and pushes the two out of the way, dipping her fingers in some kind of pudding, and sticks it in her mouth. Coraline face palms herself. They were now doomed. Courtney's eyes bulged right open, and a wide grin forms on her face.

"Like, OMFG, this is the best food that I've ever tasted! Coraline, why would you think this Beldam was evil? This stuff's delicious!" She then goes back into taking some more bites. Everyone else seems to begin joining her; everyone except for Aggie and Cat.

"Oh my...this is good!" Salma exclaims, stuffing her face with some homemade ice cream.

Coraline, Aggie, and Cat just stands by the doorway, watching as everyone continues to eat the meal. Coraline had a bad feeling about this- it said trap written all over it, as if The Beldam was expecting them herself. Just as Coraline thought, she notices everyone starting to moan, and then falls unconscious. Coraline and Aggie gasps, and Cat just glares at them, having a bad feeling what was in there. Cat jumps on top of the table, and sniffs some of the foods. He turns back towards Coraline and Aggie.

"Just as I thought...sleeping sugar. They'll be knocked out for a...long while." Cat says while continuing to observe the leftovers.

Aggie floats over the meal as well. She then looks up at Coraline, beginning to get a little scared.

"W-Who would-?"

Just then, the lights go out, and everyone screams as they all feel something grabbing them, taking them somewhere.

Coraline slowly opens her eyes, finding herself away in the woods. Well, the OTHER woods. The Beldam must've dragged her outside. But where did the others go to? Just then, Coraline swears to hear a twig or two snap, which startles her. Coraline then sees a tall, spider-like figure emerge from the thick fog. Coraline gasps, knowing who it was.

The Beldam.

The Beldam approaches Coraline, flashing a sickening grin, thirsty-looking for revenge.

"Why...Dearest Coraline...it's been so long..." The Beldam says in a hushed voice, trailing her long, sharp fingers through the girl's blue hair in a creepy way. Coraline wasn't too afraid of her- she was just something wicked that came out of a fairytale. A very wrong fairytale.

Coraline shoots The Beldam an angered glare.

"Cut the crap, Beldam, I don't wanna hear it! Where-Is-Norman?!" She exclaims, getting up in The Beldam's face.

The Beldam continues to grin venomously at the girl; she says, "That is for me to know, and for you to find out," The Beldam says, making Coraline look even more pissed off. The Beldam continues to talk, saying, "How we play...another game, Coraline? Another finding things game?"

"Get to the point..." Coraline snarled darkly.

"Gladly..." The Beldam replied. "As you may know, I've split you and your little friends in different parts of the Other Blithe Hollow. Find the others, along with a special key, and make your way back to the Babcock's house. There, you all will go up into Norman's bedroom..."

Coraline then gasps.

"He's in his room, isn't he?!" She exclaimed.

The Beldam smirked, shaking her head slightly.

"Dearest Coraline...don't you know? I'm excellent in hiding things...you'll just have to find out where he is. You may think he's in his bedroom, but really, he isn't. Let's just say that a little surprise will be waiting for you there."

Coraline hated The Beldam more than anything; she was just too evil and wicked. But she had no other choice. Coraline looks directly at The Beldam, hesitating to accept the challenge. The Beldam was very tricky, and what had happened to her last year must've really made her even more evil, wicked, and tricky. Coraline didn't like this at all. Just then, The Beldam said sharply, "And did I mention that Norman's in a pretty bad shape right now? Gosh, I wonder how that happened..."

Coraline got angry, and knew that she just had to save Norman! Coraline agrees, and shakes The Beldam's hand. The Beldam then crackles wickedly, giving Coraline until midnight to find her friends, and return to the Babcock's house. Then The Beldam disappears, leaving Coraline alone again in the woods. Coraline now not only had to rescue Norman, but now had to search the entire Other World for Courtney, Neil, Salma, Cat, and Aggie! And until midnight?! Coraline always questioned why midnight was always the deadline for things- a bit other used, if you asked her. Coraline sighed, clenching her fist as her head was facing the ground with her eyes close. Some small tears were forming up in Coraline's closed eyes, wishing that she'd never had caused Norman to come here.

Just then, The Beldam's voice was heard.

"Hurray up, Coraline...I don't think Norman will make it if you just stand there."

The Beldam's evil laughter was heard, now echoing while it disappears. Coraline then looks up glaring angrily at the path in front of her. She scoops up all the courage that she had, and Coraline soon fins herself slowly walking down the forests' path.

Coraline then says darkly to herself, "Challenge fuckin' accepted, bitch!"

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