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Coraline and the others scream as they run through the streets of the Other Blithe Hollow. The world was crumbling down, and they only had very little time left to get to the other Babcock house, or else. Coraline looks around, see the ground beneath them crumbling, which meant they were about to fall. The other Babcock house was just a block away from them- they could do this. They had to do this!

"HELP!" Neil screamed, who tripped over a lose tire.

Courtney and Coraline quickly ran back Neil's aid; they helped him up and quickly made another break for it.

"Where is this house, again?!" Wybie asks, dodging a flying bush.

"Just a little closer..." Coraline urged. "TURN LEFT RIGHT HERE!"

Everyone followed her instructions and made a hard left turn, running up-hill to get to the other Babcock house. Finally, they'd reached their destination. The fence in front of the house was flying into the air, disappearing. So was the yard, and pieces of the porch and house itself. Coraline quickly opened the door, having everyone get in, and went inside herself, shutting the door fast behind her.

Coraline, along with the others, sat there, catching their breaths. Coraline looked up, wiping her forehead. "Is that everyone? Everyone still here?"

"Y-Yeah," Wybie breathed out, counting.

Coraline, Wybie, Courtney, Cat, Aggie, Salma, and Neil- all here. Good. They had to keep it that way.

Standing up finally, Coraline walks through the house, into the den. Everything was the same as last time- the furniture was all bug-themed, and black-and-green dim, flickering lights barely lit the area. She sighed, remembering the horrid memories of her visit to this place. Wybie places a comforting had on her shoulder, smiling sadly, trying to give her reassurance. Coraline simply nods at him, and makes her way back to the stairs, looking up.

Taking a deep breath, Coraline begins going up the stairs, with everyone else behind her. The stairs creaked below them, which gave them all a bad feeling. Now upstairs, they see a hallway- dim, flickering lights. Courtney points out the direction of Norman's bedroom, and Coraline slowly makes her way over to it. She holds the key out with her hand. She puts the key into the lock, and un-lucks the door. Success, it actually worked! Gulping, Coraline then slowly opens the door, which creaks open. However, the sight in front of them made them all gasps with shock.

Norman was lying on the bed, with several scratches all over his body. He was badly wounded and blood trickled down his face. His clothes her ripped, and his spiky hair was in a mess. There was a dark chuckle, and everyone looks over at the corner, seeing something emerge. It was the Beldam, who smirked. Coraline glared and entered the room.

"YOU HORRID WITCH!" She bellowed.

"I'm flattered," The Beldam says with a sickening grin.

Coraline took out her knife from the library attack, pointing to at the Beldam. "Get ready to turn into a jack-o-lantern, bitch!"

"Oh no, Coraline..." The Beldam says, now glaring at her. "This isn't over."

Furrowing her brow, Coraline lowers her knife, looking up at the needle spider-witch. "W-What? But...I've beaten your game! I've founded everyone, I've found the key, I used it, and I've founded Norman! How did I loose?!"

"I didn't say you lost," The Beldam explained. "The Game's just not over yet. It's far from over..." She then crackles darkly, as the room begins to shake. Everyone screams, holding onto something. "THE GAME'S JUST BEGUN!"

Suddenly, the room exploded, and everything was now in the center of a giant, green twister. Objects spun around, floated, and parts of the Other Blithe Hollow were floating or spinning around the tornado as well. Coraline screams as she falls down, landing on a bed, then falls onto the once town square. Looking around, Coraline tries to find the others.

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