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Coraline walks through downtown Blithe Hollow, heading to Norman's house; she just had to apologize and get things straight. But it wasn't just to apologize, it was also for admitting she'd liked him too. She was worried about Norman; Coraline didn't mean to say those things. Those words were to just cover up her crush on him. But then it came to Coraline: It's just a silly crush, right? So why would she want to cover it up? It was sort of obvious towards the public that they've liked each other in that way, it's just that Norman and Coraline never really grew out of their comfort zone to confess it.

"Hey, Caroline!" Exclaims a voice.

Coraline stops walking and turns around, seeing one of the girls who was in PE today.

"What do you want, Angela? And it's Coraline. "

Angela takes a few steps towards the blue-haired girl. To her, Coraline looked both beautiful and strange. Pushing some blond bans away from her face, Angela looks serious into Coraline's brown eyes with her green.

"I know you're looking for Norman. I heard you shout that you needed to see him in the mall. Well, the last I saw him, he went straight into the woods, near Knob Hill." Angela says.

This made Coraline a little nervous. She's been at Knob Hill before, and that's where Agatha Prendergasts' ghost hands around. She's allowed Coraline to see her, and judging on how close both she and Norman are, the boy might've already told her what happened. Coraline had heard before that Agatha was pretty dangerous when she got angry. Norman had a scar on the top-right area of his chest to prove it.


Coraline made it to Agatha's tree, and sees the little ghost girl with a sad expression on her face. Well, it was sad...but her face had other expressions to it; Aggie was also mad, sorrowed, and confused all at once. But what made Coraline even more scared was the fact that Aggie looked nothing like before. No, Aggie wasn't herself...she was her angry self- the other side of her that Norman had told Coraline about. The moss green and yellow electricity sparked around the ghost girl as her hair snaked around like dancing fire as the electricity sparked her surroundings. Agatha even had some small, whitish orbs going down her face. Ghost tears. It didn't take a genius to find out that Aggie was crying while she was in her angry state.

Carefully, Coraline took small steps towards the tree.

"Um...h-hello, Aggie?" Wondered Coraline uneasily.

And just with that, everything seemed to go like a flash; Coraline felt like her life had just flashed before her eyes. Aggie turned around and unleashed a swarm of her ghost electricity- the same kind that she used on Norman the for time they've met. Coraline screamed and ran to hide behind a tree. Aggie screamed with anger, and with all her power, conjured a HUGE electricity orb, then threw it at the tree that Coraline was hiding behind. Coraline noticed this and ran away once more. Once the orb crashes into the tree, it caused a 'mini earthquake' that shook the ground, causing Coraline to fly through the air, and lands in front of Aggie's tree.


(A/N): What Aggie just said is sad...but very true in a way. I know from experience... :'(

Coraline slowly got up, looking rather scare of the angered specter above her. Aggie was very angered at her right now; Coraline only hopped that the ghost girl would calm down after she gives her the details as to why she's here.

"I know, I know, and I'm terribly sorry. Both to you and Norman; but mostly Norman, sense this is about him," Coraline began to walk a little closer to the ghost of heated electricity. "But I came here to apologize."

At hearing this, Aggie raised an eyebrow, saying in a low rumbled hiss, "He's not here...He WAS here, but he left for home a while ago."

Coraline gasps silently; hope to confess and apologize to Norman lit up inside of her. Without saying anything else to Aggie, Coraline turned around and made a quick dash towards Norman's house. Aggie just floated there for a few moments. She had to calm down.

Finally at Norman's house, Coraline knocked on the door in a rapid past, almost breaking her hand during the process. She was just hopping that he'll be there, where she'll apologize for what happened. Coraline really liked Norman, and knowing that she destroyed him by giving him a broken heart was the last thing that she could ever want. As the door opens, Coraline's face lit up with disappointment to see that Courtney had answered the door, and not Norman.

"Coraline?" Courtney asked, putting her cell phone away in her pocket. "What are you doing here?"

"I need to talk with Norman; it's very urgent!" Coraline exclaimed.

Courtney gave her a puzzled look.

"What kind of urgent?" She wondered.

Coraline sighed; this wasn't going to be easy. Coraline had heard about how Courtney use to treat Norman, and ever sense he saved the whole town, she began to treat Norman very kindly, and was protective of him now. If anything were to happen to her little brother, Courtney would be there to make things right. Seeing Courtney's reaction to what Coraline had done wasn't going to be pretty, but it was the only way to find out where Norman was.

Coraline took a long, deep sigh, and began to explain. "Alvin and his friends embarrassed Norman and I today in PE. They were saying how we were dating, and how I would kiss him. I got mad, and started to tell them how I would never love Norman; his heart is broken pretty badly. I need to talk to him badly, Courtney."

Courtney gave Coraline a very non-impressed look; her lips curled into a pout-like form.

"Why would Norman want to talk to you now, huh? In fact, why do you want to talk to him?"

Coraline sighed heavily. She took a deep breath before saying in a hushed voice, "Because I don't hate Norman. The truth is...I like him...maybe even love him,"

"Excuse me?" Courtney said quickly; her ears perked up, and a grin forms on her face. Courtney's pink lips' smile was almost as big as the Joker's when hearing those words quietly. "Say that again..."

"I said..." Coraline said louder, "I like him! I mean, like-LIKE him!"

"OMFG!" Courtney exclaimed excitedly. "So it's true! You do love my little brother!" She squealed like a fan-girl after saying that.

Coraline rolled her eyes and made Courtney hush up.

"Listen to me!" Demanded Coraline. "I need to speak with Norman! I know he's here! Where is he?"

Courtney made Coraline wait by the door while she goes inside to get Norman. While Coraline waits at the doorstep, Agatha floats over towards the porch. When the puritan ghost girl appears in sight, Coraline cringes a little bit, feeling nervous around the ghost. Agatha sighed, "Do not be afraid of me, Coraline. I came here to see how this turns out."

But before Coraline could respond to the ghost, Courtney swings the door open, looking scared for her life! Coraline and Agatha sees the worried look on the teenager's face; Coraline had this strange feeling...

"Courtney..." Coraline began to ask. "Is everything okay...?"

"C-C-Coraline..." Courtney says out of breath. "Norman...h-he's...he's not here! He's gone!" She exclaimed.

Both Coraline and Agatha's eyes widen in shock. What did she just say?!

"GONE?!" Exclaimed Coraline. "What do you mean gone?!"

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