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Listen to the song above as you read ^^

Coraline sat in the waiting room of the hospital, hoping that Norman will be alright. The Beldam was defeated once and for all, the other world was in ruins for good, and as for Wybie...she's afraid that he's been lost forever. He sacrificed himself in order to save Coraline, Norman, and the others. If only Wybie had a grave, then Coraline would do what Norman does with Aggie, and places flowers on his grave mark. Seconds have turned to minutes, and minutes have turned into hours, and still, no news about Norman's current health.

Sandra Babcock was seen sniffing in her seat, wiping her tears away with a tissue. Perry Babcock did all he could in order to comfort his wife, hoping for the better as well. Courtney just sat there, looking down at the ground while she played with her fingers, and crossed her legs.

Mel and Charlie Jones sat across from the family, looking devastated- grieving for them. Neil and Salma sat neat the exit doors, across from where Coraline was sitting. It was dead silent in the room.

For what seemed like forever, the doctor opened the doors, and observed the crowd. All their attention went onto them. Lifting a finger, he points to everyone. "Are you with Norman Babcock?"

They all nodded. The doctor sighed. Uh oh. "I'm sorry, we did the best we could, it's just that...we're afraid Norman didn't make it. I'm sorry."

Sandra clung onto her husband for dear life, bawling her eyes out into his chest. Perry soothed his wife, and Courtney cried into her own hands. The doctor was too busy trying to comfort the grieving parents, that he didn't notice Coraline sneaking pass them, and entering the hallway. Aggie spots Coraline, and follows her.

Eventually, Coraline had founded where Norman was, and opens the door, slowly, so that she doesn't get caught. She enters the room, and shuts the door quietly. Coraline then turns around, but the sight nearly brought her to tears.

Norman was lying on the bed, with several scratches all over his body. He was badly wounded and blood trickled down his face. His clothes her ripped, and his spiky hair was in a mess. The heart monitor was proof enough of his demise.

"No..." Coraline whispers, slowly walking to Norman's side. She grasps his hand, looking down at him with tears swelling up into her eyes. "Norman...I'm sorry. I'm so sorry." There was a silence; Aggie just floated by the door, watching.

Finally, Coraline spoke again; she says, "I never meant to hurt you. I'm not asking for your forgiveness, because I know you're probably very mad at me. I just want to let you made me truly happy, with every minute of every day that we've spent with one another." Coraline wiped her eyes, still holding onto Norman's hand.

"What Alvin had said may have been all a joke to him, but what I said in response..." She held back more tears, looking at him. "I just want to let you know that was fake. I don't hate you Norman, I love you! You stole my heart, Norman, you really did, and now I'm never going to get those moments with you. Not again."

Aggie watches sadly as Coraline begins to cry. Coraline eventually wiped her tears away and looks back at Norman, being strong, despite the tears in her eyes.

"It was my fault, Norman. This whole damn this was my fault." There was a pause. "But I promise- I'll visit your grave every day, and every week, I'll bring you a fresh set of flowers. And there'll never be a night, when I fall asleep, or a day, when I wake up, that I'll never miss you and regret it all. I love you."

Aggie watches as Coraline then leans it, and places a kiss on Norman's lips. Coraline retreated from the kiss, and then lays her head back down at Norman's side, crying into the sheets. Aggie sighs with sadness, wiping her own tears away too. Suddenly, out of the ordinary, the heart monitor started to work once more. Aggie gasps, seeing the heart rate go back up. She looks over at Norman, and sees that he's flickering his eyes open.

Norman, opening his eyes, hears faint cries next to him. Looking over, he sees Coraline, crying at his side. He furrows his brow. "Coraline?" He manages out weakly.

Coraline gasps as she looks up, seeing Norman. He was alive! He was well! "Norman!" Coraline exclaims, getting up. She places a hand on his cheek, tears in her eyes still as a weak smile forms on her face.

Norman gently places his own hand upon hers, and smiles weakly. "I love you, too, Coraline."

With that, it was sealed with another kiss- this one holding more meaning to them. "But I don't understand," Coraline says, retreating. "You...Youdied!"

"The Beldam did, in fact, kill me, Coraline. But before I went out cold, she placed a spell on my heart. Apparently, only one thing could repair my heart and bring me back to life.

"...Love." Coraline says.

Norman smiles at her, and she smiles back, taking each other by the hand. Aggie smiles at the sight, the leaves the room, letting them have their little moment. The doors suddenly open, revealing the parents.

"Norman!" Sandra exclaims, running over to his side.

Coraline smiles as she watches him getting snuggled into his mother's love. Even Perry gave him some fatherly love. Neil went blabbering on how he thought he was a goner, and how he vowed he'd go to his grave. Salma, though confused, was still happy to see him alive and well once more. Courtney, on the other hand, hugged her brother, smiling at him.

"I'm so glade that you're okay," She grins. "Norman, don't scare us like that again."

Norman smirked back. "No promises, Courtney. Scary is my thing."

It was a very touching reunion. And nothing was going to tear them all apart now. Not while Norman and Coraline's journey was just beginning...


Norman and Coraline started going out after he was checked out of the hospital. A couple years later, they graduated high school together, and after that, went onto college. Norman, though didn't really go to any actual careers, he decided to start his own one-man business. He talks to ghost for people who believe their house his haunted; he's started a business as a ghost whisperer. Each job, he's paid $50.00- what luck!

Coraline got a career as an author, and wrote a book about her adventures through the other world. Her book, The Beldam, received multiple positive reviews, and even became a best-seller. A movie was even on the thought!

But Norman and Coraline's greatest adventure...was marriage. Norman proposed to Coraline on Christmas Eve one year, and the two were married a week before Valentine's Day. And, nine months later, they had a son, who they named Toby.

Coraline and Norman didn't know where the future was going to take them from there, but whatever life had in store for them, they'll be ready. And as long as they're together, by each other's side, nothing could go wrong

I got the Idea of using the song from the book Big hero 8 bye puppsparks05

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