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Norman walks into his house, smiling happily, and felt like she has the same feelings for him as he has for her. Sandra looks over at him from the stove, baking a batch of cookies; she's been asking him how it went with Coraline tonight, and Norman claimed that it was a wonderful night, and how they've shared a slow dance and all. Sandra gives her son a hug before opening the oven, pulling out her third batch of cookies, "Would you like some, Norman?" He nods and places a few onto a plate before he goes into the living room to watch another zombie movie in the dark, but was stopped by his mother, who taps his shoulder, holding a small, rectangular box in her arms, "This is for you, was on the porch about an hour after you've left." Norman also takes the box and walks into the living room, and puts on "Zombie Halloween", one of his newly founded favorite zombie movie. As he's watching the film, he takes a look at the box, and opens it, reveling a...a doll? A doll that looked like him...creepy. It also had the exacted same clothing and style: Same white and red T-shirt, same red jacket, same blue jeans, same red and white shoes, and skin tone, and same hair color and style. Little did Norman know, his grandmother's ghost was on the couch again, and when she noticed the doll, she shivered, "Wow...now that's just creepy," Norman nods his head in agreement, still eyes glued onto the doll, "You've said it, Grandma...you've said it..." And this was beginning to get a little too strange, even for Norman, so quickly throws the doll over his head, and lands on the couch, right next to Grandma Babcock, who shutters to herself as she peers at the doll for a bit, but quickly goes back to knitting.

Courtney walks into the room, and as she spots the doll, she too gets creeped out; the teen girl picks it up and walks over towards her brother, "Okay, Norman, this is just even more wierd than dead things, even for you." She points out, placing it next to Norman again, before exiting the room, only hearing her brother's comment, "It's not mine! I don't even know where it came from!"

Once Norman's movie was over, he went upstairs to get to bed, leaving the little doll on the living room floor. However, once he enters his bedroom, the little doll was lying down on his dresser, right next to his bed. Norman groans and didn't feel like moving the doll, so just lays down in bed, trying to sleep, hoping this "doll moving" is just one of Courtney's old pranks that she caused him when he was only eight. Eventually, Norman was finally able to fall asleep.

It was finally midnight, and all of a sudden, Norman's eyes open wide as he hears a sound...a small squeak? He sits right up from his bed, peering around the room, trying to make up where the sound was coming from, until he spots a mouse, "That's wierd..." Norman claims as he gets out of bed, "Usually there's no mice in this house," With out hesitating, he starts his way, chasing after the small mouse downstairs.

As Norman arrives downstairs, he soon hears the mouse squeaking in the living room, and heads that direction. Once Norman approaches the living room, he sees the mouse, heading behind an arm-chair that was against the wall. Norman then goes over towards the chair, "C'mon, little fella, I need to get you-" He was able to push the chair away, but the mouse was nowhere to be seen, not even one squeak. "Outside..." The boy exclaims in confusion, just before he hears the mouse again- this time in a different direction...the basement door.

Norman rushes towards the basement door, which was underneath the stairs, and heads on down as he follows the mouse; Norman's rarely in the basement, so if felt a little strange and a little creepy. The mouse was heard again, heading behind a large, but very old couch; Norman was able to push it out-of-the-way, seeing the mouse, "Alright, enough games; I want to go to bed. If you're just stand still, so that I can bring you back to your home, outside-" But the mouse moved again, going through a crack in the wall.

This makes Norman confused, until he realized that the crack, was actually a small door!

"That's strange...I've never seen this here before. Yet again...it's been years since I've been down here, so..." He opens the door, seeing a brightly light tunnel. "...Oh...My...God..." He whispers to himself, speechless.

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