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Coraline, Courtney, and Aggie has been searching the entire house up and down. They've even looked everywhere around the neighborhood, putting up posters with Norman's face on it, and on the bottom of those posters was the word, MISSING, along with the house number. Sadly, Norman was nowhere to be found. And of course, Coraline blamed herself for it all. Norman had gone missing somewhere, and would probably never return. It then hit Coraline that maybe he ran away to a far away play, is hiding somewhere that's very hard to find, or even died! It scared Coraline: him being out there alone, who knows where, and was feeling very miserable. Why was life so confusing? No one would ever know.

While sitting in the living room of the Babcock's residence, Coraline begun to cry softly to herself. It was very depressing that the last time she saw the boy was when he got knocked out in PE. This was also partly Alvin's fault as well. If Alvin hadn't said those things about her and Norman, Coraline wouldn't have said all those things to break Norman's heart. As much as Aggie was disliking Coraline a little bit, she decided to comfort her, knowing what it's like to never see someone that you loved again.

Just then, Courtney came into the room, holding her cell phone to her ear.

"Okay, thank you. Yes, please do; if you see him, please return him here. Okay, thanks. Bye," Courtney hung up, her face looking dreadful. "I just called the cops. They said they'll let us know if they spot Norman."

"Okay," Was all Coraline could say.

Courtney sat down on the floor, next to Coraline. Just like Aggie, Courtney knew what it was like to loose someone who you loved. She thought that Mitch was the right man for her, but after revealing that he's actually a homo-sexual, it broke Courtney a little bit- it still does sometimes. But she's managing; and it's the same with Coraline, except for the fact that Norman got missing, and that he's not a homo-sexual.

"Look," Courtney says. "I know how if feels to loose someone that you've loved. I know; last year, during the witch's curse," Aggie cringes a little in the sofa behind the two girls after hearing that; she gets up, and floats up towards Norman's room. But Courtney continues on, "I've fallen love with a guy named Mitch-"

"Neil's brother?" Question Coraline.

Courtney sighed and nodded before continuing, "Yes. And after the end of it all, I asked him out, but then told me that he's-"

"Gay," Coraline finished. "Yeah, I know the story. Norman and Neil had told me."

"So you'll understand that you can't give up in life. If you really love Norman that much, then do you're best to find him. Heck, all of us will do our best to find him." Said Courtney.

Coraline gave out a tiny smile. Courtney was right: You can't go through life by giving up. And if Coraline really loved Norman, then she knew that she'll have to do whatever it takes. Suddenly, and idea pops into her head.

"Courtney, was there any rooms in this house that we forgot to check?"

"No, we've searched the entire rooms. Well except for the basement, but I doubt that he'll be down there."

But before Courtney could stop her, Coraline went towards the basement. As she gets down there, Aggie floats through the ceiling, holding two objects.

"Coraline, I've found two items in Norman's room. I think they're clues to where he's gone to!" She exclaimed.

Courtney took one of the objects, seeing that it's a letter of some sort. Flicking on the basement lights, Coraline read the note,

Dear Family,

I'm sorry that I've frightened you with my sudden disappearance, but I'd like you to know, that I'm leaving you all. I'm running away, and never coming back. Something happened today at school, and it made me feel very unloved. My heart got broken very badly. I know that you guys may think it's not something to run away about, but I'll like you guys to know that I don't care. I don't want to see her again.

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