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As Norman walks into the kitchen for breakfast, he sees his regular mother with her regular eyes. Norman was still a little confused about last night, wondering if it was all real or not; but he only had one obssion to find out: Going down to the basement and find the door. Just as planned, Norman quickly heads downstairs, and into the basement- it was all just a strangedream that seemed so real; and Norman was gonna find out if it was really real, or just a dream.

Once Norman reaches the lower part of his basement, he goes over to where the little door was from last night. The old couch was in the way again, so Norman had to push it out of the way again. After that was done, Norman looks to see if the door was still there- and sure enough...it was!

This kind of scared him, and Norman never gets scared! Well, Agatha scared him a little during his first encounter with her- but that was only last year, and they're close friends now. Perry Babcock comes down into the basement and sees his son looking at the small door. Norman must've not had heard his father coming up from behind- because the next thing that happened, was Mister Babcock's large hand resting on his scrawny shoulders. "Son," Perry begins, "Why are you looking at that small door?" Norman looked up at him, looking a little concern about this door actually being real.

"...Um...well...ah..." Was all the boy was able to say.

As if on cue, the call for breakfast by Misses Babcock sung through the whole house, earning a sigh of realive from Norman. Perry watches in confusion as Norman quickly gets up and runs upstairs. Before heading upstairs on his own, Perry looks at the small door, blinking a couple of times.

"Has that door always been here?" Mister Babcock thinks, before going upstairs to get his breakfast.

While upstairs, Norman stared eating his food- just when Courtney came down, all dressed in her usually pink outfit. It was just all so strange to Norman, and too real; there was no way all of that stuff that had happened last night was true.

But it still confused him.

"Norman...you okay," Courtney wondered, finishing her orange juice.

"Yeah, why?" Norman asked suddenly, still uncomfortable about his thoughts. Courtney gives him a questionable look, so do the others, and just looks at him. "I don't know...you're just..." Courtney didn't even want to finish, so just gets her stuff together and leaves for school.

Misses Babcock strolls over towards her son, feeling his forehead, "Are you okay, hun?" She'd asked him.

That was the question Norman's been wondering: Is he okay? Norman wasn't sure; he didn't want his parents to worry about him, and he also felt like going to school, and maybe talk to Coraline about this.

"I-I'm fine, Mom, thanks..." Norman claimed, getting up and grabbing his backpack. "I just...feel like I should just go to school now." With that, he'd left.

Mister Babcock looks at his wife, "Why's he leaving now," He asked confused. "His school starts later than Courtney's." Sandra shrugs and picks up everyone's plates as Perry leaves the room.

Norman rushes to Coraline's front door, banging on it with fright and confusion about last night. Mel opens the door. "Norman? What are you doing here? Shouldn't you be in school?" Norman gives her a stern look.

"I'm here for Coraline. We go to school together, remember? Plus there's something reallyimportant that I need to tell her!" He exclaimed.

As if on cue, Coraline walks over to the open door and smiles at Norman. "Hey Norman! Ready for school? Because I'm not even done getting ready. Haha!"

Norman smiled very nervously, and laughed a very nervous-sounding laugh. Mel and Coraline looks at him a little funny; Mel then asked, "Um...would you like to come in and wait in the living room for Coraline, Norman?" He nodded and follows the two inside, closing the door behind them.

As Norman was sitting on the couch and waiting for Coraline to get done, the more he'd panicked! He had to tell her about his dream! With out thinking, Norman quickly rushes upstairs, and open Coraline's bedroom door, relieving her brushing her hair. She playfully screamed, and said, "Ahhh! Don't you even knock before entering a ladies' room?" She laughed a little after that, and finished up.

"Hehe, yeah...sorry," Norman apologized through some soft chuckles. Coralie smiled, and turn back around to finish brushing her hair; Norman was just standing there, too worried about what she might think after he tells her about...well...the 'dream' he'd had last night.

It wasn't suppose to be that easy: This was a serious matter that Coraline had shared with him! Norman had the same thing going on when she went to visit the Other Mother the first time. But one thing was confusing to Norman. Why would he want a second family, if his life's a hell-a lot better that before? It was all too confusing.

After taking a few deep breaths, Norman finally got the courage to confess about his 'dream' last night. "C-Coraline...c-c-can I...um...talk to you about...about something?" After asking that, Norman didn't know what he was going to say! Sure, Coraline went through all of this before, but she did say these 'dreams' were dangerous. The boy was just too worried about what her reaction would be if he tells her; but sadly enough...there was only one way to find out.

Coraline turns around again, grabbing her backpack, and walking down the stairs with Norman. "Sure, Norm, why not? Go on ahead; I'm an open book." Norman gave her a smile frown.

"Please don't call me 'Norm'; sorry, it's just that I never really took an interest in that nickname. Secondly, ya remember what you've told me when you first moved here; ya know, the one about...another world?" After walking out the door, Norman was almost wishing that he'dnever had said it! What will she think?

Walking down a few blocks after leaving the house, Coraline was thinking about his question. Surly, he wouldn't want to hear anymore of it. It was a nightmare, more than a dream.

"Yeah, I remember, Norman. Why do you ask?" She could see the nervous look in Norman's eyes. This can't be good... Coraline thought.

Sighing heavily, Norman stopped walking, followed by Coraline. He'd turned to face her, "I had the dream last night, Coraline. I was with my 'Other Family'; I was with the Beldam."

The expression on Coraline's face slowly drops, and turned into an un-readable look. Norman's eyes were fixed onto hers, and started to feel a little bad about telling her about his dream. Coraline then turned her head around; Norman then saw some tears going down her cheeks.

Norman gasped, and took her face with his hands, pulling her look back towards him. Coraline was dead silent for a brief moment, before asking, "Norman...for real?" He shook his head, and she started to whimper a little, before letting loose a few more tears. Norman felt terrible.

"Coraline...why are you crying?"

"Because...you've had the dream, Norman! The Beldam's gonna take you; probably kill you! Just like what she almost did to me!"

This was serious; Norman knew that. What was he gonna do? He'd already made her feel scared about this, and he didn't want that. Norman gently took her hands, and squeezed them gently, giving her a reassuring smile; he'd then said calmly, "Coraline...I promise you that I won'tgo back there again. You won't find me dead or anything, you wanna know why?" Norman then thought in his head, NO! DON'T TELL HER, YOU IDIOT! NOT JUST YET!

Coraline sniffed a little, then formed a tiny smile. "Why is that, Norman?"

He'd sighed; it wasn't time to tell her, but he was pretty smart, so just lied...but didn't lie, "Because you're a wonderful person, and a great friend; the last thing I want is for you to be upset. I care about you, Coraline, and I don't want to see my friend hurt in that way." Norman smiled a little, blushing during the process.

Coraline smiled a and hugged him. "Thank you, Norman! I do hope you're telling the truth then...because I care about you, too."

Norman smiled, and hugged her back.

"No problem, Coraline. Now..." He let go of her, and took her hand. "Wanna continue our way to school?"

She nods, and the two heads off towards School; trouble was rising...and the two now felt it. Deep.

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