Ch. 22- Traitor

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Lianna's POV

Four is calculating and smart. He reassures me repeatedly that everything will be okay. I had few belongings that I had to go back and get. It was easy to retrieve my stuff since Eric seemed to be occupied. 

The one problem that faced us was that this escape would be done during the daylight hours. There was no time to wait since Eric could come  back any second wondering what I've been doing.

I'm sad to leave him and I know that is silly of me. He played me just when he said he wouldn't. He said all the right things to make me believe that I could trust him. It just doesn't make sense that he would risk his lively hood here in Dauntless to only throw me to the side when he no longer needed me. He seemed genuinely interested in me.

What did I do wrong?

Four leads the way. He hands me a familiar black coat and I put it on without question. He almost laughs at my reaction. I guess he wasn't expecting me to know what to do. I pull the hood over my head and follow suit next him, keeping up with his long strides.

"We may not even be back when he finds out. I'm sure it won't take him long to realize that you're gone."

"Who is she?"

That is the question that Eric never answered. But maybe Four would.

Four's pace slows and he takes a quick glance at me before continuing to walk. He lets out an exasperated sigh.

"She's one of us. Dauntless born, leader position. If it makes you feel any better, I don't think he actually likes her but just sees her as an easy lay."

I keep my eyes forward, processing.

"Why me than?"

Four shrugs his shoulders as we approach a large truck. He opens the passenger  door for  me and helps me up into the seat. A gentleman, no doubt. He comes around to  the other side and starts the engine once he's situated.

"I can't answer that. I'm not him."

Silence  takes over for a short moment until another question pops into my head.

"Why are you helping me if you can't answer that question?"

A statement  like that would have ticked Eric off but Four finds it amusing as he begins to chuckle. He keeps his eyes on the road but talks to  me in a peaceful tone.

"Let's just  say I have a soft spot for Amity...and for green eyes."

I go wide eyed. Did he just say that? He couldn't possibly be attracted to me when he doesn't even know me. How could two seemingly opposite boys both find my eyes appealing? Do girls in Dauntless not have green eyes?

I say nothing else as the ride continues. I let him drive me back  home to where a million problems face me. My parents will be happy to know I'm still alive, I suppose. I can't wait to answer all the impending questions they will have for me. How will answer them?

Am I even allowed to come back? I could say that Eric kidnapped me. But then, who would believe that?

"Do they know we're coming?"

"I alerted an Amity official that a Dauntless truck would be arriving with a missing member to their faction. So yes, they do."



The drop off goes easier than I expected. A good number of people recognize Four and it's all thank you's and what not.

Mom, Dad, and Kayla stand beside the fence and wait for me to approach. Just before I leave Four, he catches by my arm and pulls me back to whisper in my ear.

"Remember what I said, Lianna. It won't be long."

It happens so quickly that I don't think anyone was able to catch our small interaction. Mom and Dad don't  comment when I finally make my way over.

Dad is the first one to speak.


He need say nothing else. I already know the trouble I'm in.


My room looks unfamiliar to me for some reason or that there is something lacking from it. Twilight soon turns to darkness and I bury myself under the warm covers that are surprisingly comforting.

Does Eric know that I'm gone? Does he care? Is Four right?

If it is Eric's plan to come looking for me, he better have a good plan of how he's going to do it. Coming through my window seems out of the question now that it's been bolted up. Oh, how smart my parents can be...

The front door doesn't exactly seem like his style but then again a hostile takeover does so I won't throw that possibility out.

There's only one other way that I can think that he would be able to get me and that's taking me by force when I leave the house. Good luck with that, though. I won't be able to go anywhere without some type of supervision.

But we are talking about Eric and he seems very capable of getting what he wants.


"Are you literally insane? Do you realize that everyone was going crazy when we found out you were missing?" Ebony's voice  echos throughout the barn.

I stroke the main of one of the baby fowls and try to  keep a happy face  on since it's my first day that  I was allowed out of the house without either of my parents.

"I'm aware that it was a bad idea but we all make mistakes. Isn't Amity about forgiveness?"

"Not when you run off with another factions leader!"

I turn to her in a rage of emotion. "I didn't run off with him! He kidnapped me! How many times do I have to say it?"

She puts her hands up in surrender. "Geeze. Since  when are you so angry?"

"Since everyone now thinks I'm a traitor."

The baby horse rubs against my thigh and I continue to pet it with gentle hands. An innocent baby just like I was. I have to laugh that Ebony hasn't said anything else.

"Did I make you go mute?"

The look of horror on her face surprises me when I look at her.

"What is it, Ebony?"

She says nothing but stares blankly to something to  my other side.

There, in the doorway of the barn, stands a tall figure wearing all black.

"Ebony?" I say through a shaky voice. "You need to leave."

Whether she leaves or not is unknown because before I know it, I'm met with  furious blue eyes. Eric's large hand takes hold of my elbow and yanks me toward his bulky body. The smell of burnt cinnamon fills my nostrils.

His black cologne.

His voice has a bit of amusement in it which frightens me to my core.

"I heard Four brought you back."

I would just like to say that I have put something in motion here with Four. It was a spur of the moment decision but I think it will play nicely into the story line.  So who's curious about  Eric's motives? Is he playing Lianna or does he have  something else in mind? Comment and Vote!

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