Chapter One

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"Hey look, there's the little fag."

Kids laughed and taunted along as I walked down our 7th grade hallway.

"Faggot!" One kid kicked me in the stomach and I doubled over in pain.

All of them crowded around me and beat me down.

"Hey!!" a teacher yelled.

The crowd dispersed and left my small, crumpled form on the floor.

The teacher scooped me up in her arms. "Hon, are you okay? Can you get up? Sweetie, talk to me."

No response, but barely audible, shallow breaths.

"Oh my god, someone call an ambulance!!!" The teacher yelled to her coworkers.

My mother and I then sued the school and moved to Safe Haven.

Which brings us to the present day of me being an angsty pansexual teenager. At a prestigious high school for creatures like me. Something that's queer. Not the norm.

Conveniently in the middle of the famous Safe Haven's walls.

Why me?

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