Chapter 3

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As I entered the school, I seemed to attract a lot of attention. Everyone just stopped and stared at me like I was some kind some kind of...

"Freak." I heard someone whisper.

That's right. I am a freak. People never really understood what I was, despite seeing my mother's appearance; she was normal. My dad was normal, gods rest his soul. I am obviously not normal. Both of my parents were and are foxes. I ended up being a kitsune. Or otherwise known as something rare and weird. No one could understand how kitsunes, or nine-tailed foxes, came to be. They just...happened. Although my parents love me and all, I could never fit in. I always got beat up by the other kids for not only because I was different, but mainly because my body was weak and I was small. I still am weak and smaller than most people my age, but I'm doing my best here. After that whole little incident when I was young, I was homeschooled from then on. I'm supposed to be a junior in highschool, though. I just recently convinced my mother that I was ready to go back to school. So now here I am, ready to make a not-so-big impact on the world.

I knocked at the main office door.

"Come in."

I opened the door to find a giant cheetah sitting at his desk, not looking up from his work.

"I am assuming that you're the new transfer?" He asked, referring to me.

"Yes, sir."

He slid a neat-looking folder across his desk towards me. "Here is all that you need for your classes. The guidance counselor will provide you with the materials for class."

"Thank you, sir."

He looked up from his work. "Good luck. You will need it." He then dismissed me.

I simply nodded goodbye and walked out, pondering what he meant.

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