The Forest

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Hello. Sorry about not updating this one. I'm having a new OC join us today. A loving welcome to my lil' sis's OC, Nina. Enjoy.

Nina's POV

I'm running through the forest looking for her. My older sister. I'm a half witch. My other half was human, but she changed it to keep me safe. I'm half werewolf and the leader of the pack along with my boyfriend. I stopped to sniff the air. Nothing.

"Any sign of her?" I asked a girl.

"No. Nothing." She said. I growled.

"Keep searching!" I yelled and they split into a team of four. Our pack is one of the largest packs here. I felt arms wrap around my waist.

"Don't worry. Sarah will be fine." My boyfriend said.

"Sarah is not fine. Its all Jason's fault. Sarah has no powers to protect herself. She used almost all of it to save us from getting killed." I said as I nuzzled his chest and he just nuzzled my hair.

'Sarah. Sister. Where are you?' I thought. Then a thought hit me hard. I pulled away from my boyfriend.

"Nina? What's wrong?" He asked.

"I'm just saying. What if Sarah was able to teleport to a different location away from here?" I asked.

"Then she would would have to be that desperate to do that even with no powers. Wait. You don't think she could do that. Even with your friends?!" He asked as I nodded.

I closed my eyes and focused on my sister's magic. My eyes snap open and I'm in a black void. I look up to see a map and many black dots where my sister has been. I look around the map for a glowing dot.

"Come on. Come on. Show yourself." I whispered. Then a golden dot appeared.

"Find you. Hm...La' Nee. The birth place of witches and now the town of witch hunters. I hope that place doesn't catch Sarah and the others." I said and closed my eyes. I open them and I'm back in the forest.

"Well. Did you find her?" My boyfriend asked.

"Yeah. La' Ne. The town of witches. Until the witch hunters killed them all off. I have to tell her that she's in danger." I said and he nods. My boyfriend howls getting howls back and we set off to La' Ne.

'Hang on, sis. Please be there.' I thought as I jumps over a large rock. The pack follows me as I lead the way.

Hello. So sorry for not updating. Next update will be soon. Not sure. So...

Bakura: Just end this damn shit!

Hey! Ryou!

Bakura: No don't! I'm sorry! Just don't tell Ryou!

*Ryou walks in*

Ryou: Yes?

Oh. Nothing. My bad.

*Ryou shrugs and kissed Bakura's cheek causing him to blush and walks off*

You're blushing.

Bakura: Shut up!

Bye! Grimtales134 out!

My Half Witch SisterWhere stories live. Discover now