Hangovers Are A Bitch!

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Hello! Grimtales134 here. Sorry for the wait and enjoy!

Joey: What about the disclaimer?

Oh. Right. You do it!

Joey: Alright. Grimtales134 does not own us or the show except her OCs, her friend's, and her sister's OCs. Enjoy the story!

Roxy's POV

I glared at Sarah as she groans again. It's not my fault that I like wine. Sarah sure is strange. For a witch that is. I know what its like being an outcast. I still glad I'm able to buy and sell stuff here. I wonder how powerful she is. Our friends say that she can't use magic that much. Something is wrong. A few hours later she was fine.

"Does this normal happen?" I asked.

"Yeah. Witches can get drink. I found it weird that she is worse when drink. Well besides those two." Blake said pointing to Yugi and Ryou. Then we heard a howl followed by some growls.

Blake walks outside and then runs back in. Blake comes back dragging Jason with her outside. I was confused before I heard laughing and a yell. Sarah looks out the widow before falling down laughing. Then a huge werewolf came in through the back door handing Jason up before dropping him. The werewolf growls at Sarah as she sat up.

"I'm fine. I'll explain everything. I see you met my boyfriend." Sarah said and the werewolf made a sound and points at Jason as Sarah nods. The werewolf rolled its eyes and shrunk down to a human size. She looked normal beside the pointy ears and a tail.

"Why didn't you tell me? I'm your little sister for crying out loud! Why the hell did you leave?!" The girl yelled. Sarah walked over and wrapped her sister in a hug.

After a hour of explaining and introducing her to me. I learned the Sarah turned her sister into a werewolf/witch and left Nina with her boyfriend, then ran away with her friends.

"Wait! So you guys came here to actually escape your boyfriend, stayed a few weeks, shelled Jason, and your sister comes along searching for you." I said as I counted off the things with my fingers.

"Yep. That's pretty much it. Well besides the fact that our hometown is overrun by evil witches and this town was a huge trading place for all monsters of any kind." Sarah said and I sighed.

"Yeah. Its true. Ask the people here along with some of monsters here. They'll tell you what it was like here before the witches were killed. Along with some human who were accused." Blake said.

"I didn't know it was this bad. Sis, I heard that someone was going to revive the three witches. Are you sure you can do this?" Nina asked as everyone looks at her.

"Yes, I'm sure I can. I know for a fact that those witches are the cause my magic being short and weak." Sarah said determined. Jason grabs her hand and placed a kiss on it.

"I know you can do it. I believe in you." Jason said and Sarah smiles.

"What's wrong with your magic?" I asked.

"I have a seal placed on me by the three witches. If I can break it before they are revived, then I can defeat them." Sarah said as I nodded.

"And if you don't break in time?" Blake asked.

"Lets hope everyone can be saved." Yami said. Nina has a look on her face and leans over to Sarah. She sniffs and growls.

"Everytime! Why can't you stop drinking?! You know you do stupid shit when you drink!!" Nina said as she whacks her sister upside her head.

"Ow! Its not my fault! Roxy had the wine lift out!!" Sarah said pointing to me.

"Hey! I like wine and I had that hidden. How in the hell did you find it?!" I asked and then there was a knocked at the door. I looked at everyone and they had fear all over their faces. I placed my finger on my lips telling them to keep quiet.

I walked over to the door and opened it. Dylan stood there outside. I pulled him in and looked around outside before slamming the door. I sighed in relief as my boyfriend looked very confused. I dragged him to the living room where everyone was.

"Dylan! You scared the shit out of us! You fucking jackass!" Blake yelled as she hissed at him.

"Should I be worry? And is there something I'm missing?" Dylan asked looking at me.

"Come on baby. There's a lot to explain." I said as I got him to sit down. I began explaining to.him what's going happen as I induced my friends while they chimed in to help me out on some parts I couldn't tell him much. I have a bad feeling. I can't quite place it, but I don't like it.

Hello. Another long chapter. Nina finally found Sarah. And The Three Witches won't appear until later in the chapters, but I'll let you know with the titles.

Grimtales134 out! Bye!!

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