Training? Ok...

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Hello! Grimtales134 here with another chapter. Sorry for the wait! Enjoy!

Jason's POV

"No! No! No! That's all wrong! You have to focus or the spell won't work. Yugi, hold your arms straight! Ryou, keep that foot back! Joey, don't slouch! Malik, you need to lean forward a bit! You guys have to have good stamina or you'll run out of energy fast." Sarah yells out orders as she teaches her friends the basics of magic.

"Is this really necessary?" Bakura asked glaring and Sarah looks at them. Bakura, Marik, Yami, and Seto are tied up with enchanted ropes.

"Very. Its a simple spell I was teach by mom. Along with others." Sarah said.

"Hey! I'm doing it! Its working!" Ryou said as Bakura's ropes untied and he was free. Ryou and Bakura left to sit in front of me.

"Yes! I got it!" Joey said as Seto's ropes untied and Joey leave with Seto to sit down. Malik soon followed after and sat down with Marik smiling.

"You can do it, aibou." Yami said said as Sarah nods. Yugi straighten his arms and soon Yami's ropes untied. Yugi ran up to Yami and hugs him as he laughs.

"I did it! I did it! Did you see that?!" Yugi asked as Sarah walks up and smiles.

"We'll take a break and continue tomorrow. Go do something that doesn't annoy me." Sarah said and they nodded before spitting up in groups of two. I pulled Sarah down and sat her on my lap.

"Calm down and focus on your breathing. Don't push yourself like last time." I said as Sarah gives me a tired smile.

"You were the one that done it first. I just need some...." Sarah trailed off as I watched her and smile. I held Sarah close as I watch her sleep.

'When was the last time we done this? Oh. Right. Before I was taken by witch hunters to train as one.' I thought.

'We both knew it would happen someday. Then we...' Sarah trailed off. Even though she's asleep. We all share a bond that connects us by telepathic thoughts.

'Lost connection. My head was hurting for 2 weeks. I....I missed you.' I thought and Sarah opens her eyes as she looks up at me tired. She leans up and plants her lips against mine.

'As did I. So much.' Sarah's voice echoes in my heads as she pulls away and rests her head on my chest. I smile softly at her.

"I love your sister. More than anything in the world. If they think that reviving the three witches would help them. They're in for a rude awakening." I said as I turned my head to see Nina standing there.

"Trust me. The three witches help no one. They will kill anyone to get what they want." Nina said.

"Then we must prepare for battle. They're gonna be waking up soon." I said as I look down at Sarah.


Hello!!!! Sorry for the wait!!! Very sorry!!!! I'll update sooner next time!!!

Grimtales134 out!!!!! Bye!!!!!

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