Chapter 4:If I Could Go Back

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It is 4:43 and I'm just waiting untill 5. That is when we get dismissed and can fonally go home. After what felt like forever the bell finally rang and everyone rushed out of there seats to the doorway. I keep my eyes locked on Lisa as she walked out the door. I lost sight of her when she turned right. When I finally got to the doorway, I looked right and I didn't see Lisa. I take the bus home usually but today my dad picked me up from school. My dad came 27 minutes late as I just stood there acting like an idiot while everyone went home. When he finally came she literally begged me for forgiveness. Of course I said yes because he was my dad and he was doing me a favor for picking me up. When I got home my dad asked if I was okay from the break-up. I said yes and went straight to my room. I laid on my bed and wondered what would have happened if I never knew that they were going behind my back. After a while, I looked at the time on my phone and it said 5:55. I got up and went to the bathroom. Then I turned on the bath water and turned it into a shower. I got undressed and got into the shower. It relaxed me and I closed my eyes as I raised the temperature to the shower. As it got hotter I relaxed more. I knew I had to get but I didn't. When I finally got out it had been 6:30. I got dressed and knew my dad wouldn't approve of me goong to meet Lisa. So I either had to sneak out or make up a story and lie to him. I decided to sneak out and if he caught me I would say that I'm going to the dinner two blocks from here. I opened my door and looked in the hallway. I didn't see my dad so I tippy toed out and took in my surroundings. As I passed his bedroom door I heard sounds from the tv. It sounded like he was watching porn but I didn't want to ask. I walked into the livingroom amd he was sitting on the couch. I looked at my phone and it showed 6:45. It takes me about 20 minutes to get to Welsberry park. I looked at him with fear in my eyes. I thought Gosh,time for plan B. He asked where I was going and I hesitated but said the dinner. He looked at me weird and I knew that he thought I was lying. He just said ok but I knew that there was going to be another part of it. I just went to the door and walked out. I got to my car and drove off as fast as I could. When I got to the park it looked empty. Then I saw a figure and assumed it was Lisa. So I parked my car and got out. I walked out to the figure and saw her disgusting face. Yup it was Lisa. We just looked at each other for what seemed like forever but was just 5 minutes. Her eyes were full of pain. My eyes had no emotion or pain in it and she knew that. I felt guilty because I liked her wanting forgiveness that she was never getting. She was the one who broke the silence. She said that she was very very very sorry and that she would never go behind my back again. All I said was "You're right because I really don't care what you do now so you won't really being going behind my back." I turned around and walked slowly wanting her to say something so I could dis her again. It just felt so good to crush her feelings like she did when she was going behind my back. She then said "I know about the texts that you have been getting. I have been getting them,too." With that I turned around and gave her a confused but up to date look. Now her eyes were emotionless. She didn't say a word and I didn't say anything either. We just stood there. It was my turn to break the silence that went for what seemed like seconds. I said" What the f*ck do you mean you knew all this time. Why the f*uck didn't you f*ucking tell me. You are such a f*ucking a**hole, I swear." All she did was stare and now her eyes held pain that linked with her heart. I mean I know all of her secrets, her desires, her favorite things, I know her and I knew what I said hurt her. It fell silent for the third time. Then I heard foot steps. That was the last thing I heard. Then, I felt a sharp pain in the back of my head. I couldn't scream. I just let it happen.I FREAKIN' BLACKED OUT. LIKE NOTHING EVER GOES MY F*CKIN' WAY.

To whomever is reading this. I just wanted to say thank you because since I'm just beginning it really means a lot. I'm really trying to not sound cheessey but I reall mean it. Also comment on how I did. This was a real long chapter and there would be much more from where that came from.
Lucky People

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