Sorry guys its done

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So i got really tired of this book. Noone has been reading but thats ok. You want to know why bcuz im making a new book it is going to be called Someone Like You. And i know what you guys are prob thinking really Adele really. And YES really i frekin love that song and i also like jar of hearts, yreat you better, and elastic heart. You know i was thinkin of using those ad titles too but then i was like i have a whole back story and story for this. And also this new story is going to have dialouge. Yes i said it. Thays all for today. Oh and im also making a youtube channel go check it and sibscribe. Its in my hio as well. It is name UnicornGamerGuru. Also ho check out my best friends channel as well its GiaTheLifeHacker. Ok now thats all for today.


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