Where Am I?

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I woke up in a hospital. My vision was still blurry and my girlhood still hurt. I had a massive headache What was today's date? What time was it? Where was everyone? It was so queit that I was thinking that it was 2020 or something. Hold on. Why was I in a hospital, what happened? In the middle of my thoughts a lady came in. She looked the a 25 year old stripper,but I'm guessing she was a nurse because she was wearing a red and white striped nurse's outfit. "How are you doing? After everything that happened I'm suprised that you still have your sanity" she said. "What do mean by 'Im suprised you still have your sanity'. What happened? Why am I here? Where is my da-." "All of your questions will be answered in a moment I just need ti check you blood pressure then the doctor will come and take care if you." She freakin' cut me off. She had the nerve tho. She came closer and wrapped some kinda bandage on my arm and pumped something. The bandage got tighter but it didn't hurt. It actually felt good, it felt really good. I didn't think it felt that good but my brain paired up with my mouth and thought differently. I can't believe it but I actually started to moan. When I realized that I was doing that I looked up to see the nurse smuling down at me with an amused looke on her face. "I know it feels good but don't moan so loud next time we don't any one to hear you." I just nodded my head and looked the other way knowing that I was probably as red as a tomato right now. Once she was done and out of the room I quietly sighed. After a few minutes a man doctor came inside the room. He look really familiar for some strange reason.


Hey so as you guys might know I changed my name. I like seriously live it. Also I'm sorry that I haven't been updating but since it's spring break you guys and gals are going to be reading like 3 to 4 chapter A DAY. Oh Mmm Gee. Are you guys excited. I'm sorry that this chapter was short. I'm going to update again today. Just wanted ti get my friend back for putting up a cliffhanger. Check her out.(Unicorn4You)
Bye my Unicorns and Fairies

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