I'm Just Gonna Leave:Part Two

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I stepped into the music ingulfed house. I didn't expect for it to be this loud and this crowded. I walk into people as I make my way to Brandon on the other side of dance floor. Once I make over to Brandon he greets me with a toothy grin. He opened his mouth like he wanted to say something but didn't. He was drunk and I knew it because he smelt like he drank a while bottle of Vodka. I tried to get away from him and his stench but he grabbed me from my waist stopping me from moving. He put his red plastic cup down and lifted me out bridal style. I closed my eyes and tried to wiggle out of his embrace but I couldn't. I just stopped struggling and kept my eyes closed, just letting him lead the way. Once he put me down I faintly heard the music from the stereo. I opened my eyes to reveal that we were in the kitchen. Brandon then went deeper into thr kitchen and I just stood there dumb-founded. When he came out he was holding another red cup. I'm guessing it was for me. After him just staring at me he extended his hand in my direction. He then nodded his head to the red cup signaling for me to take, so I did just that. When the cup was in my hand I put up to my nose to smell it and figure out what he have to me. He must have noticed because he chuckled and said," It is just water unless you want something stronger." "Is that a challenge" I managed to say. "It is if you want to be." If he wasn't speaking I just knew that he would be smirking. After he said that I forced myself to give the cup back to him. He had a smirk on his face now. He went back into the kitchen with my cup amd came out with a different cup. He handed it to me and said," This is just one of my mixtures. I put Vodka and Liquor into it. I also put some lime juice into it for a little more flavor. All I thought was what have I gotten myself into. He looked at me and offered his hand. I took it and he led me back to where we came from. I looked at my cup and lifted it to my mouth and drank some. It actually tasted good but it was just very very very strong. I went back to the kitchen without Brandon and entered. I looked around and saw a few glass bottles. It had labels that I knew because my dad always use to drink. I walked up to the bottles and took one. I pored it halfway and then I took another one. I poured that until it hit the top. I took my cup and headed back to the party. About seven cups later somebody picked me up and I couldn't see their face because of the position that I was in. I knew it was a man because I felt muscles around my torso. Once he put me down I saw his face. It was Brandon and he looked drunk as f*ck. We were in a bedroom that looked like nobody was in here. It looked like a guestroom. I looked back up to his face. It had an angry expression. What was angry at? Was he angry at me. What did I do to him? What was he going to do to me?

Hey. I'm sorry that this chapter was short but I had to get something up. There is going to be a part three. I'm not going to be doing a lot of updates because alot of you know the state test is coming up. I will defenitley be updating after next week.

Lucky People

P.S if you want to know why I call you lucky people because my name is LuckyJLuv and since I'm "lucky" you shoyld too. And you guys and girls are all people. Now you know why.

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