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Elizabeth nervously watched Blossom's expression in anticipation of her verdict and was relieved when a smile spread across her face. She had worked so hard and wanted so much to prove to the others that Blossom was an exceptional teacher. She also wanted to gain the others' respect and show them that she was worthy of Rue's.

"You're a natural," Blossom exclaimed. "I didn't even pass my first herbology test."

"It's only because you're such a good teacher, and it's given me something to focus on since we've not been allowed above ground."

"We'll have to find Rue. She'll be so proud," said Blossom giving Elizabeth a hug. As Blossom released her from an affectionate embrace she must have sensed that something was wrong. She gave Elizabeth a strange look holding her at arm's length, her wings gently reverberating. "What's the matter?" asked Blossom.

It was several moments before Elizabeth responded, as she tried to work it out for herself. Elizabeth thought she heard a voice within her head and thought it was surely a sign of madness to nymphs as well as humans. It put her in two minds as to whether to speak of it or not. "I just felt a bit faint. It's probably the excitement and relief of passing the test."

"You should get some rest. You've been working really hard for this test. Stay here and sleep for a while. I'll take these remedies and put them in the medicinal store."

Elizabeth was glad to be alone. Frightened that something had invaded her mind, she led on her bed and breathed in the lavender that was infused into the mattress and cushions. She wondered if she had imagined the voice softly whispering her name or if she had ingested something by accident whilst preparing the remedies, making her hallucinate. She waited in anticipation of it happening again, but nothing.

Her mind started to wander as she watched the fireflies above slowly dispersing into the far corners of the ceiling to make their way through the small ventilation tubes and out into the woodland above. Only a few remained, bathing her in a soft glow as she drifted into a dream.


The appetising smell of mushroom mingled with that of garlic and herbs as Blossom neared Rue's chamber caused her to wonder when she had last eaten. She knocked on the door lightly but did not wait for a response before she entered.

"Ah, Blossom. You can help me take this feast to the seer," said Rue without turning away from her busy stove.

"They are still here?"

"That he is. I promised him a hearty meal before he must depart. Where is Elizabeth?"

"I left her in her chamber. She succeeded in making all of the remedies asked of her. She's a natural."

"She does show potential, despite not being truly chosen, although maybe that's why fate brought her to us," remarked Rue as she removed the giant rotund mushroom from her clay oven, steam and juices escaping from it as she placed it upon a glazed earthenware platter.

"Why is the seer here?" asked Blossom.

"He came to speak with Winter, but never mind that now. I'll open the door and you follow me with this platter to the guest chamber," Rue placed small round-shaped breads around the large steaming mushroom.

Blossom did as she asked and followed Rue out of her chamber into the tunnels being careful to hold the platter steady. Rue knocked on the door of the guest chamber before entering and held it ajar to allow Blossom to pass through.

The Seer was laid back in his seat, his eyes closed but holding firmly onto his staff. A soft, white-blue light throbbed from the large crystal held at the top of the staff by the curved beak of a sculpted eagle.

Dawning of a SeerWhere stories live. Discover now