The Elder Tree

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The guardians never faltered under Marrok's weight as they carried him through the woodland despite the heat of late summer. Blossom followed behind under the pretence that Winter had requested she check upon his condition once they arrived at their destination.

No-one traveled to this part of the woodland anymore, or what was left of it anyway, and they had to hack their way through the ferns and brambles that had reclaimed the ancient pathway many moons ago. This made their pace slow and Blossom took the opportunity to collect much-needed herbs and fungi along the way to distract herself from thinking about how Luna had reacted earlier.

The trees were quickly thinning out in number and they had to amble around large stones and fallen trunks. Much younger trees than those present in the rest of the woodland had taken root here and the canopy that had shaded them from the intense sunlight was now sparse. Blossom had never been here but she knew this was the place where the nymphs had once lived out in the open, in the trees that had burnt into the now ash-rich soil.

The Elder Tree loomed before them, the only living thing to remain untouched by the fire and death that had surrounded it; the reason why the humans believed the woodland to be cursed. Its massive girth sat upon a mound of moss covered soil, it's ancient roots dipping like sea serpents in and out of the ground around it as if staking its claim to the youth of trees nearby. It had not though escaped the ravage of fire completely and parts of its trunk bore charred scars.

As they approached, the air around the elder began to shimmer as if a magical beast was awakening and they halted for a moment until Calla walked on. A massive doorway opened before them. Blue orbs of light floated just within the entrance and reflected onto a glossy black stairway which beckoned them to descend within.

The doorway shut behind them and an unnerving silence surrounded them as not even their footsteps made a sound as they made their way down the steps. Their wings did not unfurl and illuminate their surroundings here and each remained in their near-human form relying on the orbs of light that danced in front of them to light their passage.

"There is something not right here. Blossom is this how it should be?" asked Calla in a whisper.

"I don't know."

They continued cautiously as they descended the steps and followed the orbs of light into a cavernous room. They stood in awe at their surroundings as torches sprang into life. Their blaze reflected in the gold and silver that lavishly surrounded frescoes of mythological creatures and beautiful scenery on the ceiling that rose high above them. A mosaic of mother of pearl fashioned into a sixteen-pointed star that resembled a flower in full bloom glistened in the centre of a black marble floor. Two large golden thrones embossed with ivy presided at the far end of the room between two smaller silver thrones embellished with mother of pearl stars and crescent moons.

"How could we have left something so beautiful?" Blossom said, not quite realising she was speaking her thoughts aloud.

"You're our guardian of knowledge. Did you not know about this place?" asked Calla.

"Rue never told me about this and I've never come across any reference to the elder tree in any tome. You know what the rest of the elders are like, none have ever really spoken of what was before the war."

"Our instruction was to leave Marrok here. Winter said he would be protected here until he awakes. If he ever wakes."

"Please Calla, don't speak like that. If he is able to hear us, we should at least give him hope of returning to us."

"Forgive me, Blossom. I'm sure he will, someday, but we still don't know why he sleeps. I've been instructed there is a room that leads from the east of the throne room."

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