The Amber Ring

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Grot tried to remember as he studied the molten silver stars on the walls. He walked around and scratched at the few strands of hair atop his head and willed the memories of his past to return. This had been his final place of imprisonment in the mortal realm, but still the last place they would have suspected. Walking back to the east wall he placed his hands upon it and pondered again. His mouth formed into a crooked smile as he recalled the sequence, tracing lines between the stars with his fingers leaving faint traces of light upon the wall.

The sides of the marble plinth upon which Marrok lay unperturbed opened and Grot cautiously bent down before reaching underneath the top of the plinth. He fumbled momentarily and then his smile returned as he felt the softness of a leather pouch. Pulling it free he tucked it into his belt and went back to the wall, again tracing lines between the stars with his fingers until the sides of the plinth slid back into place.

Looking curiously once more at the sleeping wolf he felt the hardness of the object in the leather pouch, reassuring himself before he silently left the room leaving the doorway slightly ajar.


After telling the Seer the strange events of the day he concluded that Luna had indeed subconsciously brought herself through the realm of dreams to the place she wished to be. A talent only known to be possessed by seers.

"So are you telling me I'm a seer like you?" Luna was amazed.

"That I do not know. Your human and a woman, neither is usually blessed by such gifts as those a seer possesses," replied the Seer.

"Maybe that is why," commented Baine. "It gives her the advantage does it not? The element of surprise."

"Very true," agreed the Seer. "But she cannot rely on gifts such as those alone, especially when she lacks control. I think it time for Luna to learn your tricks, Baine."

"What tricks?" Luna asked.

Baine ducked underneath the lean-to he had made from the skins they carried supported by long sturdy sticks and vines. He returned to the fire holding a crudely crafted wooden sword in each hand and offered one to Luna.

Luna looked incredulously at the Seer. "You want me to have a sword fight with Baine?"

"No," replied the Seer. "I want Baine to ensure you have the skills to stay alive in situations where magic won't save you."

Resigned, Luna got up and took a sword. She followed Baine to the edge of the clearing where he staked a torch into the ground to allow them more light. At first, he showed her how to position herself, moving her feet and adjusting her arms and shoulders with a firm but gentle grip to optimise her balance.

"Remember, it's better to stay on your feet than lie on the ground with a sword at your throat," Baine commented, his dark eyes looked directly into hers. He flexed his broad shoulders before standing back. "Now for you to maintain balance and defend."


As Luna awoke that morning, she looked around with vision still blurred by sleep and limbs that ached, but everything was quickly soothed by the sight of Blossom walking through the entrance of the Knowledge Tree towards her. She too seemed tired and Luna questioned if she should not be resting, but Blossom was adamant she could no longer face another minute sleeping.

"I feel as if I've been trapped within a nightmare. I thought I would never see the rays of the sun again." Blossom looked up into the hollow of the tree at the powder blue sky above.

Dawning of a SeerOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora