The Vow

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Elizabeth's stomach began to knot with nerves and she could not help twisting a loose strand of her hair around her finger, despite Blossom tapping at her arm reminding her not to fidget whilst they waited to enter the upper chamber. Since the first morning that Blossom had taken her to bathe, she had managed to avoid contact with most of the nymphs by focusing on her teachings, but now they were all gathering to hear her say her vow. She could hear the low hum of their wings vibrating as more and more of them filled the chamber.

It reminded her of her wedding day and she felt the same urge to escape, but a feeling of determination to succeed and prove to them she was worthy kept her in place.

She could not see into the upper chamber from where they stood, but Blossom had described the ceremony to her over and over again. She could envisage Winter rising from her throne as everyone fell silent. The crowd parting to allow her to walk into the centre of the chamber, to stand upon the symbol of the tree of life which was inlaid into the wooden floor in polished amber droplets.

"We stand here together as one so that we and Mother Nature can bear witness to those that seek to become one of us," said Winter, her voice echoing in the stillness of the vast chamber. "I call forth those that wish to take the vow."

Blossom nudged Elizabeth again as she continued to fumble with her hair before urging her to move forward into the upper chamber to present herself to Winter and the other nymphs. Elizabeth left the small chamber located just behind the throne, called the waiting room, remembering to steady her pace as she walked around the large hawthorn seat of the queen. She could feel the gaze of every nymph upon her as she made her way through the gap in the crowd towards Winter who stood elegantly in a long ivory gown, beaded with black and cream pearls.

Elizabeth had spent the last several days assisting the seamstress to prepare her own gown for the ceremony, deemed to be the most important moment in a nymph's life. She had chosen a pale green silk for her gown and had decided to showcase her own sewing skills by embroidering an ivy leaf design onto its bell sleeves and bottom hem in a contrasting darker green silk.

"Welcome, my sister," greeted Winter with a warm and genuine smile as Elizabeth approached her.

Elizabeth stood in front of the queen, Blossom who had walked behind her came to stand beside Elizabeth. They both bowed before Winter who gently touched the top of their heads by placing her hands upon them. They were encircled now by the nymphs of the kingdom, but not even a breath could be heard as they watched them. The fireflies above dispersed and the amber stones depicting the tree of life at their feet began to shine brightly in the dim light, casting colourful refractions onto Winter's gown.

"Keeper, what name do you bless our sister with?" Winter asked Blossom.

"Luna, for she came to us by the light of the moon."

"Luna is an ancient and powerful name," stated Winter, her expression barely masking disdain at Blossom's choice. "May you bear it well my sister."

"Thank you Winter, my sister, I will," Elizabeth replied, looking straight into her eyes.

Elizabeth was pleased with Blossom's choice of name for her but felt a pang of sadness knowing that she must now disregard the name her mother had given her and wondered if the memories of her former life would abandon her because of it.

"Let us join together as our new sister speaks her vow before us, for we are as one," said Winter, her voice carrying throughout the upper chamber.

The nymphs that surrounded them began to hover just above the floor, holding each other's hands, raising their arms slightly into the air as Elizabeth, Winter, and Blossom remained on the ground. The three of them joined hands and a pale light shone like a beacon from the amber set into the floor beneath their feet, sprouting upwards and then cascading across the ceiling which now resembled a night sky filled with a million golden stars.

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