Forbidden Truths

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Eager to cleanse herself of all trace of the amethyst dust before someone saw her, Luna dived into the warm, bubbling depths of the bathing pool and swam underwater to the far end where the water flowed from a crevice in the rocks above. She gasped for air as she broke above the surface and swept her wet hair out of her eyes. Warmth radiated through her submerged body and her aching muscles started to relax but her mind did not. The Seer's warning filled her mind with 'what if's'. Either she had to learn control or find her tree spirit so that she may be bound as a nymph. Remaining underground, despite Winter's command was no longer an option and it would be easier to achieve with Blossom on side.


Blossom felt uneasy as they the neared the Great Oak but Calla had given her word and therefore so had the others that Marrok would not be harmed. Now she had her own reasons for finding knowledge of the Elder Tree and wondered if what Winter sort was for the same end.

Blossom looked forlornly at Calla as they stood before the shimmering entrance with two guardians that had returned with them.

"Blossom I gave you my oath. I wish no harm to come to you or Marrok. They will guard his life, not take it." Calla smiled at Blossom as if to seal her word.

Together they walked through the entrance of the Great Oak into the grand chamber where Autumn was awaiting their return.

"Winter wishes to speak with you," Autumn announced as she greeted Calla.

"I shall attend her at once," Calla replied.

"She wishes to speak with all of you," Autumn's gaze then turned to Blossom. "And you."

Winter rose from the high-backed chair as Calla, Blossom and the others followed Autumn into the chamber. "I see you have returned safely. Tell me of Marrok. Is there any change?"

"No my queen. I commanded the others to remain with him in case he should awake." Reported Calla.

"I see. Please sit, all of you."

As they all pulled out chairs to sit around the table Autumn walked to her sister's side and put her cheek to her ear, whispering whilst the others in the chamber were distracted but not caring if they noticed.

Winter sat back down, her fingers curling around the arm of her chair turning her knuckles white. "Pour us some wine sister, I'm sure everyone is in need of refreshment."

Blossom's throat felt like fire as she downed the highly spiced wine. Unaccustomed to such a potent liquor she choked as did the others sat around her. Her head felt fuzzy and she looked desperately in Calla's direction as one by one their bodies fell forward, their heads slamming onto the polished wood of the table.


Dark clouds drifted overhead and a cold wind rapped at the skins that Baine had strapped to the front of the shelter. Heavy droplets of rain started to rhythmically fall onto the taught roof.

"Why did you not tell her last night?" asked Baine as he rolled up the furs that had laid on the ground.

"It would have served no purpose. She will find out soon enough once we reach our destination."

"Are you sure you are well enough to travel?"

"Time has been wasted enough." The Seer walked to the entrance of the shelter, pulling she skins aside and looked out onto the grey landscape. The rain was now pooling onto the sodden earth where grass refused to grow and the rocks that jutted up from the ground had changed from a chalky grey to a glossy blue. Men had once mined this blue mountain range, slaves to Argroth so his palace could be adorned with the stone as homage to a warrior goddess. If they had listened then, listened to what he had seen here. But they had not, just as they did not heed him now.

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