Lilac Dust

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Dusk had fallen and there was now a chill in the air. Luna's face rested upon a pile of tomes beside her as she slept sat up against the wall of earth and stone at the base of the knowledge tree.

"Do you think she is well?" Spring whispered.

"She has prepared everything ready for the enchantment casting. I expect she just grew tired. Leave her, we have much to do." answered Winter as she began to climb the treads which wound around the inside of the great oak, followed by her sister.


Luna could almost smell the sweet scent of the meadow flowers that surrounded her as she danced carelessly with her sister in the sunshine through the long grass, white down feathers floating in the air around them. Annabella's laugh warmed her heart and Luna felt at peace knowing she was safe and happy. But then dark clouds gathered above and heavy raindrops began to fall. Annabella's laughter turned to tears and her face now looked gaunt. Darkness gathered and red glowing eyes looked upon them from the shadows of the trees that encircled them.

"Enough," the Seer's stern voice rang through Luna's mind.

Luna's heart was beating fast and she found it difficult to regain her focus. She clenched her fists so that her fingernails dug into her palms until Baine's strong arms wrapped around her shoulders to calm her.

"Come and sit by the fire." Baine led Luna towards the shelter where the Seer was wrapped in the warmth of a blanket near the campfire. "You're cold. I'll get you a warm drink," said Baine, sitting her down on the fur-covered ground next to the Seer.

"The dream I just had felt so real," On the verge of tears, Luna looked to the Seer.

"It was not just a dream Luna." The Seer reached out to her and took her hand.

"Is Annabella in danger?" Luna feared his answer.

"Not that I know of, but you are. I have only ever heard of such things but never witnessed it or met anyone myself until now, until you."

"What do you mean?"

"In the dream I just pulled you from, you were not just harnessing magic, you were channelling it whilst you slept, but as I am not with your physical body I cannot tell."

"You mean what I dream of is happening around me?"

"Is that possible?" asked Baine as he placed wooden cups of steaming herbal tea next to us before sitting down himself.

"Few humans have ever been able to harness magic, never lone channel it. That is why Luna had to channel her power through me in order to defeat the shadow creature. But now." The seer's gaze now looked only at me. "Now it would seem you do not have that constraint, which is good. Channelling magic whilst you sleep though is not."

"So if I use magic to protect myself in a dream I could hurt someone around me?"

The Seer nodded before sipping some tea. "We've lost much time as it is and I'm not fully recovered so I will focus on teaching you how to control your magic."

"What will happen if Winter finds out that I can already use magic?"

"I think it best she doesn't. She is not tolerant of anything she cannot control. You may have taken your vow, but you are not yet a nymph. Until you are bound you are a threat to everyone, including yourself, for control of human magic is not easy." The seer looked to Baine and bade him leave.

As Baine walked into the blackness of the night Luna readied herself, anxious now in the knowledge that the magic she had taken such delight in earlier in the day could now harm someone without her intent.

Dawning of a SeerTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon