The Fallen

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The sound of raindrops gently falling through the canopy of the trees onto the mossy, leaf-strewn floor brought Rue to her senses. Smoke drifted upon the light breeze towards her and she coughed to clear her lungs. Opening her eyes she saw Thorne sat cross-legged near a small fire turning a spit-laden with fish, a cloak pulled up over her head.

Still feeling groggy, Rue tried to recall where she was and what they were doing there. Looking up she noticed that a crude shelter of ferns was protecting her from the rain and she wondered how long she had been there when she noticed Ivy led on the ground next to her, also wrapped in a cloak. A pain shot through her skull making Rue wince.

"Rue?" Within moments Thorne was at Rue's side, concern showing in her expression. "Rue are you alright?"

As the pain eased Rue re-opened her eyes and gently nodded. "What happened?"

"You bound the shadow creature and sent it back where it belongs. The markings and the charred earth are still visible. You saved us, Rue, you saved us all."

As if dumbstruck, Rue did not respond and just stared out into the woodland. Blurred memories began to return but she could make no sense of what she recalled and shook her head in exasperation.

"I caught some fish in the nearby river. Do you think you could eat some?"

"How has Ivy fared?"

"I think she will recover. I've given her milk of the poppy to help with the delirium. It will be a while before she wakes."

"It did take her then?" asked Rue looking at Ivy's motionless body.

"If you had not banished the creature when you did we would be dead. I know you taught us what to expect, but I still underestimated its power."

"I think I am also guilty of that," replied Rue in a sombre tone.


"Enter," bade Winter in response to the knock on the guest chamber door.

A slender nymph dressed in the leather armour of the guardianship entered the room and stood at the foot of the table at which Winter sat.

"What news have you?" asked Winter.

"Marrok has failed to report my queen."

Winter's eyebrows rose as she considered her response. It was unlike Marrok who was always steadfast and true, however, his attention to Luna had not gone unnoticed and she could not help but feel a pang of jealousy. Before she could speak another knock sounded interrupting her train of thought. "Who wishes to enter?" she asked, tapping her fingernails on the table in irritation.

"Blossom, my queen."

"Come," replied Winter raising her voice.

Blossom entered the room and stood next to the guardian.

"Send out a patrol to the caves and ensure the enchantments set last night have not ensnared anything. Report back straight away." Winter instructed, ignoring Blossom.

"I will my queen," replied the guardian before she left the chamber.

"Forgive me my queen, but has there been any news of Rue?" Asked Blossom.

Winter's expression softened. "Nothing as yet of Rue, but Marrok has failed to report this morning."

"I see."

"I'm sure there's no need for concern Blossom. Your protection enchantments have worked well to protect the woodland, Rue would be proud of your efforts as am I."

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